Archives for Graphisoft Archives - Page 5 of 6 - Architosh
Graphisoft North America releases ArchiCAD STAR(T) Edition 2012
Graphisoft releases ArchiCAD STAR(T) Edition 2012 — BIM for the smaller practice
Skyscraper Village wins ArchitectJURY award
ArchiCAD used to develop compelling award-winning vision
Graphisoft releases “white paper” on BIM Transition
Graphisoft releases BIM White-Paper
New ArchiCAD Training Book by Sullivan
Architect Vaneshrie Sullivan has a new book out on ArchiCAD training called, “Interactive ArchiCAD Practice Manual: Guidelines for Setting up Projects on ArchiCAD.” The new book provides solutions for setting up projects through the phases of Planning, Tender, Construction, Interiors and As-Built drawings. It is based on ArchiCAD 14 but can be adapted to suit […]
ArchiCAD STAR(T) Edition 2012 released
Graphisoft releases ArchiCAD STAR(T) Edition 2012 for the small practice looking for BIM
First Steve Jobs statue unveiled in Budapest, Hungary
Graphisoft dedicated a world-first statue of Steve Jobs today in Budapest, Hungary
Graphisoft to dedicate first ever Steve Jobs statue in Budapest
Software innovator Graphisoft will dedicate statue to Steve Jobs in Budapest next week
ArchiCAD 15 wins BIM Product of the Year
Graphisoft wins BIM Product of the Year with ArchiCAD 15 at the Construction Computing Magazine annual awards in the UK
Graphisoft signs MOU with NCME
Graphisoft continues to grow in China with latest MOU with NCME
Event: Online Sustainable Design Case Study with ArchiCAD
Webinar event on Sustainable Design using Graphisoft EcoDesigner
GRAPHISOFT and UDG China Team Up
Noted as a strategic partnership, GRAPHISOFT teams up with United Design Group (UDG) in Shanghai, China.
Mexico’s Liverpool chooses ArchiCAD for BIM growth
Graphisoft wins as BIM standard for Mexico’s largest department store chain, Liverpool
In-Depth: Graphisoft BIMx for iPad & iPhone
In this In-Depth feature Akos Pfemeter, Director of Global Marketing and Tibor Szolnoki, ArchiCAD Product Manager, of Graphisoft Hungary, have spoken to Architosh about their new BIMx application for Apple iOS devices iPad and iPhone.
GRAPHISOFT Signs MOU with China Academy of Building Research Architecture Design Institute
GRAPHISOFT SE and the China Academy of Building Research Architecture Design Institute (CABR-ADI) recently signed a Strategic Memorandum of Understanding in Beijing.
Tekla BIMsight on
Graphisoft teams with Tekla and brings BIMsight to
Graphisoft BIMx turns iPad/iPhone into interactive building explorer
BIM leader Graphisoft creates BIMx for iPad/iPhone
Graphisoft signs agreement for “SmartBIM Cloud” services
Graphisoft partners with Obayshi and NEC to deliver cloud solution for BIM
Stalled project ‘never would have gotten done’ without ArchiCAD BIM software
“The eyesore of Enfield Road.” gets renovated to the all green Pease Place, by Kit Johnson using GRAPHISOFT’s ArchiCAD building information modeling (BIM) software.
Graphisoft Tidbit: Japan relief… :(
Graphisoft Japan offers relief for Japan earthquake and tsunami
Webinar: ArchiCAD 15 – Learn how to unleash your creative protential
Graphisoft will host global Webinar series to introduce ArchiCAD 15 to worldwide audience of design professionals
Tidbits: AIA News items – Graphisoft, Nemetschek and Autodesk
Mac CAD and 3D news around the Web: We have tidbits on Graphisoft and Nemetschek video interviews at AIA, plus an interesting post on 123 vs Sketchup
Seville hatches a new addition to it’s city’s architectural jems
Just Opened in MARCH- A new modern landmark, the Metropol Parasol, demands attention in Seville’s medieval inner city from both tourist and locals alike.
ArchiCAD-designed Ark Coca-Cola Place is NSW Development of the Year
Australian tower wins fifth major design and construction achievement award, project executed with BIM using Graphisoft’s ArchiCAD
Best Green Projects Case Studies – Sustainable Design Event
Graphisoft sponsors McGraw-Hill event on Best Green Projects
In-Depth: Graphisoft talks to Architosh about ArchiCAD 15
In this In-Depth feature Akos Pfemeter, Director of Global Marketing and Tibor Szolnoki, ArchiCAD Product Manager, of Graphisoft Hungary, have spoken to Architosh about ArchiCAD 15. It’s new advance form-making capabilities, renovation workflow and its 3D working environment are all covered in detail.
Graphisoft announces ArchiCAD 15
Graphisoft introduces ArchiCAD 15 to AEC community. Next BIM software update brings advanced form making via new Shell modeling technologies and more…
Global ArchiCAD Experiment with Worldwide Project
Global ArchiCAD Experiment Gets Going
Tidbits: Nvidia, Vectorworks, modo and more news…
Mac CAD and 3D News: We have tidbits on Nvidia, Vectorworks, Graphisoft and modo
Tierney Clark Award goes to ArchiCAD team
Graphisoft ArchiCAD used to win Tierney Clark Award in Budapest
Tidbit: ArchiCAD designed Fountains of Grace 2015
ArchiCAD used by architect who wins fountain design in historic city of Pilsen
In Brief: Romanian Ice Skating Rink Design Winner produced with ArchiCAD
ArchitectsJURY competition winner uses ArchiCAD
Graphisoft to host Green BIM Webinar
Graphisoft has award-winning software in EcoDesigner. Aimed at helping architects design more sustainable buildings, this webinar series shows you how.
Graphisoft releases Korean language ArchiCAD 14
Graphisoft releases Korean language version of ArchiCAD 14
Moonstone project achieves zero carbon rating with ArchiCAD
ArchiCAD used to create award-winning Moonstone Project in UK
Graphisoft EcoDesigner recognized at WAN Awards
Graphisoft EcoDesigner recoginzed at Annual WAN Awards
Graphisoft releases ArchiCAD START Edition 2011
Graphisoft releases ArchiCAD START Edition 2011
Hottest new stars in Architecture do their work with ArchiCAD
Leading young architecture firms utilize ArchiCAD for their critical practices.
Graphisoft and ICS at Build Boston 2010 – BIM Event
BIM ArchiCAD events and workshops at Build Boston 2010
Australian Development of the Year achieved with ArchiCAD
Award-winning commercial project in Australia uses ArchiCAD to achieve its aims.
Graphisoft to demonstrate Power of Open Collaboration
Webcast event by Graphisoft will demonstrate the power and efficiency of ArchiCAD 14’s proven technologies and IFC workflows.
Terry & Terry Architecture wins AIA Award using ArchiCAD
Terry & Terry Architecture, an award-winning firm in the Bay Area has succeeded with the use of ArchiCAD in their practice.
ArchiCAD Russian and Norwegian versions released
Graphisoft rolls out Russian and Norwegian versions of ArchiCAD 14 to respective markets.
Graphisoft acquires Zermatt Virtual Reality Solution
Graphisoft acquires Swedish developer of Virtual Reality Solution.
In-Depth with ArchiCAD 14 – Graphisoft talks to Architosh
In this In-Depth feature Akos Pfemeter, Director of Global Marketing and Tibor Szolnoki, ArchiCAD Product Manager, of Graphisoft Hungary, have spoken to Architosh about ArchiCAD 14’s new features, particularly its new IFC model collaboration work flows. In this article we get into some of the details of Graphisoft’s latest BIM technology.
Graphisoft introduces ArchiCAD 14
Graphisoft delivers next-generation BIM application ArchiCAD 14 ahead of schedule. ArchiCAD 14 advances “open” industry collaboration between architects and engineering consultants working across platforms and technologies.
Best Pavilion at Shanghai World Expo designed in ArchiCAD
ArchiCAD powers innovative pavilion designs for Norway, Finland, Iceland, Hungary and Russia at Shanghai World Expo 2010
Tidbits: MADCAD, FileMaker and ArchiCAD news
Mac CAD and 3D News: In today’s tidbits we have news of’s code updates in the area of fire-protection; we also have exciting training and certification news for AEC firms that use FileMaker Pro for their firm workgroup database needs (always a popular choice); and lastly we have news of 20 city online BIM Event by Graphisoft in Europe.
ArchiCAD powers Hungarian Pavilion at 2010 Shanghai World Expo
Hungarian Pavilion for 2010 Shanghai World Expo was designed using ArchiCAD. Innovative design uses Gomboc influence.
Tidbits: Luxion, BIM Webinars and more
Mac CAD and 3D News: Luxion is being used by one of the world’s top auto photographers for Ford and Graphisoft is hosting a series of BIM Webinars.
New ToshLetter arrives March 3: get it now!
Architosh will be releasing a new ToshLetter on March 3, 2010. The popular newsletter is focused on executive-class discussion about pertinent issues in the Mac CAD and 3D industries and each issue generally resolves around a major topic. This upcoming issue centers on BIM and architecture.
ArchiCAD 13 Swiss version released
Nemetschek AG subsidiary Graphisoft Inc. has released the Swiss (German language) version of its ArchiCAD 13 BIM product.
ACCIONA Adopts ArchiCAD 13 for BIM
Dow Jones Sustainability Index company Acciona of Spain, has adopted Graphisoft’s ArchiCAD as its BIM Solutions platform — company operates in 30 countries around the globe
ArchiCAD 13 behind Sun City Palace in Kobe Japan
BAR Architects of San Francisco designs beautiful Kobe Towers in Japan – Leading Edge Senior Housing Project Using ArchiCAD
Tidbits: Autodesk, Graphisoft and 3D News
Mac CAD and 3D News: We have some brief news items on Autodesk’s recent acquisition, AIA survey news touching on BIM, ArchiCAD events in January and OpenGL news regarding SilverLining software…
Architosh Talks to Viktor Varkonyi, CEO Graphisoft
At Build Boston 2009 Viktor Varkonyi, CEO of Graphisoft, sat down with Architosh to talk about ArchiCAD 13. The keynote speaker that morning at a Boston area architects BIM forum, Varkonyi explained that his company’s latest Building Information Modeling (BIM) software has changed the game in terms of what is possible with collaboration in architectural practice.
Graphisoft launches
Graphisoft pushes forward with ArchiCAD 13 with all new community site designed to get ArchiCAD 13 into the hands of educational customers and professionals
Wisconsin’s first LEED Platinum home designed with ArchiCAD
Richard Wittschiebe Hand Architects designs first LEED Platinum Home in state of Wisconsin with the Ross Street House. The ArchiCAD-based firm utilized this leading BIM program to help achieve more than 100 LEED certification points towards its Platinum status.
ArchiCAD used for Ryan House: Nation’s First
ArchiCAD used to help design Ryan House, innovative multi-generational care facility in Arizona.