Archives for BIM Archives - Page 14 of 17 - Architosh
CadFaster for Vectorworks 2013 is available
CadFaster for Vectorworks 2013 is now available
Graphisoft updates BIMx announces 100k downloads
Graphisoft updates BIMx and announces 100k downloads
Nemetschek announces Vectorworks 2013 product line
New Vectorworks 2013 series offers much stronger BIM and 3D capabilities and more…
Nemetschek AG and CARB Technology sign strategic partnership
Nemetschek AG forms partnership with CABR (China Academy of Building Research) in China AEC market
Gehry Technologies talks to Architosh about GTeam
In this feature article we learn from Gehry Technologies (GT) what their new GTeam online BIM platform is all about, including its background, development details and future
BIMx and the Porsche Design Tower: Web Event
Graphisoft to feature webinar on BIMx and ArchiCAD on Porsche Design Tower project
CadFaster Training Coming in August
Event: Join the CadFaster folks for a hands-on training webinar for CadFaster Collaborate
Editorial: Levy has something to say about BIM for sole-practitioners
Not much has changed for both sole practitioners in the economy and the discussion around BIM. But Levy offers small-scale practice a unique view for BIM adoption
Architosh talks to Francois Levy about Small-Firm BIM
In this Special Report we talk to architect, researcher and BIM book author, Francois Levy, AIA, about Small-Scale BIM and Sustainable Design
Gehry Technologies Acquires Bimshare
Gehry Technologies just released its GTeam and yet has already acquired Bimshare out of the Netherlands
Gehry Technologies redefines online BIM collaboration for the AEC industry
This lofty headline may befit the advanced technological offering from Gehry Technologies
Event News: BIMFORUM in Washington State
Facilities Management focused BIM event comes to Washington State
USC Architecture School BIM event sessions by Nemetschek Vectorworks
Nemetschek Vectorworks BIM experts to present at USC School of Architecture BIM event
GRAPHISOFT ships ArchiCAD 16 and launches
Latest BIM ArchiCAD 16 begins to reach markets
In-Depth: Graphisoft talks to Architosh about ArchiCAD 16
In this In-Depth feature Akos Pfemeter, Director of Global Marketing at Graphisoft, talks to Architosh about Graphisoft’s latest BIM program, ArchiCAD 16 and the company’s other new technology and directions
Tidbits: Luxion, GrabCAD and Solibri news
Mac CAD and 3D Tidbits: We have news on KeyShot and Solibri events
AIA: Nemetschek Talks with Architosh
At AIA we had a chance to talk to Dr. Biplab Sarkar of Nemetschek Vectorworks, Inc.
AIA: Event Highlights in Brief
We discuss some notes from our AIA Conference attendance
AIA: Show Floor Gallery Report-1
AIA Show Floor Pictures and Notes in this first report
AIA: Pre AIA Convention News-Architosh Coverage
Architosh to be covering AIA National Convention
Graphisoft introduces ArchiCAD 16 – Latest BIM software for architects
Graphisoft introduces ArchiCAD 16 with new direct-modeling capabilities, built-in advanced energy analysis and new cloud-based BIM components features
Firm Profile: Candusso Arquitetos – Architecture Visualized on the Mac
In this latest installment of our Firm Profile series, we turn our attention to the work of architecture firm Candusso Arquitetos, who specialize in several large building types, including residential towers and hotels. The firm is entirely Mac-based and uses a highly developed arsenal of software applications to skillfully compete for its highly prized commissions.
Nemetschek teams with CadFaster for Vectorworks
Vectorworks Users Get CadFaster Support. Real-Time BIM Collaboration
Akos Pfemeter of GRAPHISOFT Talks to Architosh about Open BIM
Akos Pfemeter of GRAPHISOFT Headquarters in Hungary talks to Architosh about the recent OPEN BIM announcements and what it means for this group to promote a true industry open set of standards for BIM workflows and technical requirements
Vectorworks 2012 gets Third Service Pack
Nemetschek Vectorworks announces Third Service Pack for Vectorworks 2012 product line
Graphisoft partners with leading Madrid Architecture School
Graphisoft has announced that the School of Architecture of Madrid (ETSAM) will install more than 400 ArchiCAD 15 licenses
Graphisoft North America releases ArchiCAD STAR(T) Edition 2012
Graphisoft releases ArchiCAD STAR(T) Edition 2012 — BIM for the smaller practice
Open BIM stakeholders establish global program to promote Open BIM standards
Open BIM movement moves forward with coordinated global efforts
Skyscraper Village wins ArchitectJURY award
ArchiCAD used to develop compelling award-winning vision
Graphisoft releases “white paper” on BIM Transition
Graphisoft releases BIM White-Paper
ArchiCAD STAR(T) Edition 2012 released
Graphisoft releases ArchiCAD STAR(T) Edition 2012 for the small practice looking for BIM
Product Review: Vectorworks Architect 2012
In this feature article Architosh takes a look at Vectorworks Architect 2012 released this fall, with an eye on a variety of new features including its automatic workplanes
Graphisoft to dedicate first ever Steve Jobs statue in Budapest
Software innovator Graphisoft will dedicate statue to Steve Jobs in Budapest next week
ArchiCAD 15 wins BIM Product of the Year
Graphisoft wins BIM Product of the Year with ArchiCAD 15 at the Construction Computing Magazine annual awards in the UK
Graphisoft signs MOU with NCME
Graphisoft continues to grow in China with latest MOU with NCME
Vectorworks 2012 Software wins Construction Computing “One to Watch” award
Nemetschek Vectorworks 2012 software wins “One to Watch” Award
AU News: IMAGINiT Sessions on Scan to BIM
IMAGINiT Technologies will showcase BIM technologies at AU
OrthoGraph Import Module for ArchiCAD released
The OrthoGraph folks have listened to their users, they say. The company has announced recently the introduction of the beta version of the OrthoGraph ArchiCAD Import Module. The current beta version supports the conversion of up to five rooms with full functionality from drawings made using the Apple iPad version of OrthoGraph. This limitation of […]
Event: openBIM Workflow with Vectorworks
Nemetschek to host Part 2 of “openBIM” webinar series
Nemetschek releases Spanish language Vectorworks 2012
Spanish-language Vectorworks 2012 product line announced
openBIM Real Interoperability Practical Collaboration
Event: Learn about openBIM and Vectorworks Architect and receive AIA credits
Vectorworks 2012 wins Construction Computing “One to Watch” Award
Vectorworks 2012 gains further honors with “One to Watch” Award by Construction Computing Magazine
Nemetschek releases European versions of Vectorworks 2012
Nemetschek releases European versions of Vectorworks 2012 product line
PCI BIM Committee Presents the Benefits of openBIM
Interoperability refers to the ability of diverse systems and organizations who work together. That is exactly why the Precast Concrete Institute’s BIM Committee has teamed up with software developers: Nemetschek Vectorworks, Nemetschek Scia, StructureWorks and Tekla. Together they present a new integrated model based workflow, specialized for the needs of the precast industry.
Nemetschek announces Vectorworks 2012 US Tour
Nemetschek announces US Tour for Vectorworks 2012
Webinar: Vectorworks Architect Stories and Story-Bounded Objects
Webinar by Nemetschek Vectorworks instructs architects on new BIM capabilities in latest version of their Vectorworks Architect 2012 software
GRAPHISOFT and UDG China Team Up
Noted as a strategic partnership, GRAPHISOFT teams up with United Design Group (UDG) in Shanghai, China.
Notes from Press Chat on Vectorworks 2012
Architosh attended Nemetschek Vectorworks’ Press Virtual Event prior to the new product’s announcement and here are some notes from that session
Mexico’s Liverpool chooses ArchiCAD for BIM growth
Graphisoft wins as BIM standard for Mexico’s largest department store chain, Liverpool
In-Depth: Graphisoft BIMx for iPad & iPhone
In this In-Depth feature Akos Pfemeter, Director of Global Marketing and Tibor Szolnoki, ArchiCAD Product Manager, of Graphisoft Hungary, have spoken to Architosh about their new BIMx application for Apple iOS devices iPad and iPhone.
GRAPHISOFT Signs MOU with China Academy of Building Research Architecture Design Institute
GRAPHISOFT SE and the China Academy of Building Research Architecture Design Institute (CABR-ADI) recently signed a Strategic Memorandum of Understanding in Beijing.
Tekla BIMsight on
Graphisoft teams with Tekla and brings BIMsight to
Nemetschek introduces Vectorworks 2012 product line
Vectorworks 2012 goes live with powerful new features, performance improvements and more…
Graphisoft BIMx turns iPad/iPhone into interactive building explorer
BIM leader Graphisoft creates BIMx for iPad/iPhone
Graphisoft signs agreement for “SmartBIM Cloud” services
Graphisoft partners with Obayshi and NEC to deliver cloud solution for BIM
OrthoGraph 3.0 has now been released
OrthoGraph 3.0 takes on-site surveying to the next level by allowing users to create floor plans right on to their mobile devices, which can instantly produce 3D BIM models on their PCs in ArchiCAD, AutoCAD, and Google SketchUP, saving time by eliminating the post processing or “magic wanding.”
How the Industry Will Streamline BIM?- NBIMS-US takes more steps
Following an 86-day open ballot submission period, the National Institute of Building Sciences buildingSMART alliance has closed the submission period to develop Version 2 of its building information modeling (BIM) standard, the National BIM Standard-United StatesTM (NBIMS-US).
Implementing BIM in Practice: LearnVirtual event
Fundamental BIM Implementation Courses offered by LearnVirtual