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INSIDER Reports—In-Depth and On Focus

Today's modern GPUs have a family of rival APIs that remove the code-level abstraction that makes OpenGL so easy to support across so many diverse operating systems and devices.

App Guides — Exclusively for INSIDER Subscribers

INDEX 01: All Mac CAD/CAM Apps—Alphabetical Listing

This is our complete (WIP) listing of all Mac CAD/CAM apps, simply organized in alphabetical order. This is our master list truncated lists are organized below for faster access to specific apps for different industries or CAD platforms.

Ultimate List of CDE (Common Data Environment) Apps for Architects

The Mac platform isn’t a minority player in an AEC industry moving to the cloud with the most important new digital platform to affect industry change—the new CDE (common data environment).  This article introduces the reader to 18 different solutions and profiles 5 leaders against key CDE definition criteria.

INDEX 02: CAD: AEC (Architecture, Engineering, Construction)

The Mac platform has always been popular in architecture circles in particular but increasingly within the overall AEC industry. This list of AEC CAD apps is just one component of what we will eventually have for AEC app list coverage.

INDEX 03: ARCHICAD Workflows and Add-Ons
INDEX 02: CAD: MCAD (Mechanical Computer-Aided Design)
INDEX 03: Vectorworks Workflows and Add-Ons

More Guides — Exclusively for INSIDER Subscribers

INDEX 02: 3D Apps: Animation, Special Effects (VFX) and Compositing

Due to its close relationship with film and broadcast TV industries, the animation, special effects, and compositing tools available for the Mac platform are quite extensive. Apple’s platform has full access to nearly all the largest tool families from the world’s leading software developers in these segments.

INDEX 02: 3D Apps: AEC (Architecture, Engineering, Construction)

The Mac platform has always been popular in architecture and it has featured some of the most innovative 3D applications ever developed, period. This list of 3D apps useful and commonly used in AEC is mostly focused on architects but all AEC pros may want to touch some of these. This list complements our other AEC app list coverage.

INDEX 01: All Mac 3D Apps—Alphabetical Listing

This is our complete (WIP) listing of all Mac 3D apps, simply organized by alphabetical order. This is our master list and truncated lists are organized by industry categories.

INDEX 02: 3D Apps: CAID (Computer-aided Industrial Design)

Special Features — INSIDERS Get Unlimited Access

INSIDER: Remote Work Has A New Partner in Varjo's VR-3 and XR-3 Headsets

Varjo and its VR and XR headsets are already in a class by themselves—the pandemic drove their use up and now Reality Cloud comes next!

INSIDER: Bricsys 2018: CAD + Machine Learning Equals Intelligent Collaboration

Bricsys has possibly taken the leadership front in the area of merging Machine Learning (ML) within a CAD tool—it has demonstrated truly powerful and ground-breaking new intelligence in a (.dwg) native-based CAD and BIM tool, with specialized verticals coming by way of a powerful third-party API system.

architosh INSIDER 01—Introduction

architosh INSIDER Reports are a new segment of our premium content on Architosh. Designed to be topical in nature, these annual reports are developed to provide a set of high-level editorial focused on a particular company, technology segment, emerging set of innovations, or set of inter-related industry issues.

INSIDER: A Brief Tour of Select Grasshopper Add-Ons
INSIDER: Introduction—A Focus on AAD (algorithms-aided design) in Architecture
Real-Time or Your-Time—How Visual Vocal Can Change the AR/VR Landscape in AEC
More architosh INSIDER Posts
Instead of binding data and applications into one giant experience, we are separating them. - Amar Hanspal, Autodesk

Industry Analysis and Commentary

Enscape 3.5 boasts Digital People and Adjustable Assets for AEC

Enscape 3.5 for Windows offers numerous new capabilities, better image quality, new adjustable assets and more.

A Unified Graphics Future—How The Khronos Group Intends To Get Us There (Part 2)

Neil Trevett, President of The Khronos Group, talks to Architosh in this two-part series about OpenGL and the future of graphics standards.

Here Come The Game Engines—Open Beta of Unreal Studio Announced for Pro App Market

Game engines are on the cusp of a major invasion of the professional apps market—with leading 3D professional tools now looking at Unreal integrations.

IMSI Design Releases TurboCAD Mac 15
BricsCAD BIM 18—In Gent A New Power Is Rising in the BIM World
The Wild Announces Speech to Text Annotation Tool for VR Design Reviews
More Analysis & Commentary Posts

architosh INSIDER Posts

INSIDER Xpresso keeps CAD industry professionals up-to-date on next-gen emerging technologies (emTech) that will revolutionize the worlds of AEC and manufacturing and design. As an Xpresso reader, you will hear from some of the most important voices inventing and using the very latest tech in areas such as AI, machine learning, algorithm-aided design (AAD), AR, VR, MR, 3D printing, 3D computer vision, robotics, and SmartCities technologies.

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