Archives for Graphisoft Archives - Page 2 of 6 - Architosh
GRAPHISOFT Gains Former Bentley Executive—Huw Roberts Becomes VP for Americas
GRAPHISOFT appoints new Vice President, Americas to support its further growth. Company taps former Bentley marketing executive.
GRAPHISOFT and Surbana Jurong Enter Strategic Partnership
GRAPHISOFT signs Memorandum of Understanding with a global giant in urban design and infrastructure development and management.
GRAPHISOFT’S “By Design” Series Receives Multiple Awards for Excellence
GRAPHISOFT’s original digital content series “By Design, Season 1” has been recognized for Highest Social Media Engagement by Architectural Record, receiving the Gold Award for Best Branded Content Series from the Summit International Awards (SIA) and another Gold Award for Marketing Effectiveness from the Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts (AIVA).
Perspectives on BEST of SHOW 2018: Perez’s Model of Technological Revolutions—BIM, CDEs and VR
Architosh presents its annual “perspectives” on BEST of SHOW honorees at AIA in NYC. This year we place our views on AEC technologies under the larger perspective of famed economist and technology historian, Carlota Perez—introducing her landmark Techno-Economic Paradigms (TEPs) theory model that explains how technology revolutions and financial capital conspire towards total paradigm shifts approximately every 60 years.
AIA2018: On the Show Floor—Technology in Architecture Part 1
Part 1 of our show reports from the 2018 AIA National Convention and Expo in NYC. In this first part, we focus on the big four BIM authoring tool providers for architects and what they were showing to visitors to their booths.
GRAPHISOFT Debuts ARCHICAD 22 at AIA National Conference
GRAPHISOFT Debuts ARCHICAD 22 at AIA National for North American architects.
AIA 2018: GRAPHISOFT to Host Open House Event
The first annual ARCHICAD OPEN HOUSE event takes place at AIA National in NYC. A full day of learning sessions on an industry leader in BIM for architecture.
GRAPHISOFT Introduces BIMx Presenter for iOS and Android
The multi-award-winning BIMx mobile app for AEC gains powerful new features with BIMx Presenter.
GRAPHISOFT Introduces ARCHICAD 22—Built for Facade Design Masters
A newly revamped Curtain Wall tool provides powerful capabilities for facade design masters using either traditional or algorithmic-based design methodology. In addition, GRAPHISOFT intros new patent-pending Machine Learning algorithms to speed up BIM.
Nemetschek Group Y17 Financial Results—Superb Growth and Targeting US AEC Market
The Nemetschek Group of Germany, a holding company of 15 leading software brands in AEC and Media & Entertainment, has posted record revenues for their 2017 financial year. The firm is targeting the US AEC market for top-line growth in coming years.
Japan’s Nikken Sekkei and GRAPHISOFT Extend Strategic Partnership
Nikken Sekkei and GRAPHISOFT have reached an agreement to extend their strategic partnership for the promotion of BIM from 2018 to 2022 — with a special focus on developing next-generation BIM workflows.
Event News: GRAPHISOFT ARCHICAD Boston User Group Meeting
Boston area ARCHICAD users are encouraged to meet up at their regular user-group meeting in Boston at the BSA building. Learn about the latest features and network with other ARCHICAD users.
Event News: New ARCHICAD Courses Online
There are numerous ARCHICAD courses online happening throughout the spring heading into the summer. Earn AIA credits on these courses and more.
ARCHICAD Now Available Under Subscription Licenses in North America
New subscription licensing options for ARCHICAD in Canada and the US now available will empower firms with greater workflow and collaboration capabilities.
2018 Pritzker Prize Winner, Prof. Balkrishna Doshi—A Longtime ARCHICAD User
GRAPHISOFT congratulates one of its long-time users, architect and professor Balkrishna Doshi, of India, for his 2018 Pritzker Prize Honor.
GRAPHISOFT Spearheads Construction Industry in Ireland—New BIM Partnership
GRAPHISOFT established new channel partnership in Ireland as the government mandate for BIM pushes more professionals to BIM workflows.
Event: ARCHICAD Collaboration with Revit
GRAPHISOFT has an upcoming event in March focused on ARCHICAD and Revit together for the ultimate in Open BIM collaboration training. Learn how to utilize three technologies in Open BIM workflows between two of the leading BIM authoring platforms in AEC.
Event: Learn the ARCHICAD to Grasshopper-Rhino Connection in March
Learn Grasshopper and Rhino and how it can power ARCHICAD in this AIA-credited online learning course by GRAPHISOFT.
Gaming Tech Takes Over—SPACIALISTS Touts Its Unreal Engine Viz Pipeline
As game engines continue to evolve as full-fledged complete 3D development environments, their ability to simplify complex development challenges across platforms means more professional 3D pros will begin to take advantage of them.
Event: ARCHICAD BIM Manager Course
Learn what it takes to become an ARCHICAD BIM Manager in this online course.
architosh INSIDER 01—Introduction
architosh INSIDER Reports are a new segment of our premium content on Architosh. Designed to be topical in nature, these annual reports are developed to provide a set of high-level editorial focused on a particular company, technology segment, emerging set of innovations, or set of inter-related industry issues.
INSIDER: GRAPHISOFT’s BIM World—From the banks of the Danube to Tokyo
The Hungarian BIM software maker had a tremendous year, with noteworthy new technologies and even more noteworthy news of developments that lie ahead.
INSIDER: Kai-Uwe Bergmann—Talks About BIG’s Influence, Tools and Work with Audi and Google
Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG) is the most game-changing internationally celebrated architecture practice in existence, but even hearing about their work with Audi was still shocking. In this interview, Kai-Uwe Bergmann gives us a special insider view of how their firms thinks—about practice…project opportunities and the architectural industry.
INSIDER: Big Construction and ARCHICAD—Willard Williams Talks Shop
Architect Willard Williams isn’t your typical ARCHICAD expert. He works on the construction company side of the equation now, but his insight about BIM and about how VR/AR and ARCHICAD can add value to the market is worth taking notes on.
INSIDER: A Brief Tour of ARCHICAD Add-Ons
In this brief article we look at a few ARCHICAD “Add-On” applications, some you may not have heard of before. The good news is the world of apps that extend and enrich the ARCHICAD universe keeps on growing.
GRAPHISOFT Dramatically Reshaping the Power of BIM—The New Grasshopper-ARCHICAD Live Connection 2.0
RGA stands for Rhino-Grasshopper-ARCHICAD and the new RGA toolkit offers a dramatic advance with the new GS-AC Live Connection v2.
GRAPHISOFT Announces ‘ARCHICAD-To-Bluebeam Revu’ Connectivity
GRAPHISOFT establishes its first key link between its leading BIM software solution for architects and designers and Bluebeam Revu, the market-leading collaboration software used by big construction firms in the United States and abroad.
INDEX 03: ARCHICAD Workflows and Add-Ons
ARCHICAD is the original BIM application and arguably the market leader for BIM innovation for the global architectural community. The veteran BIM application has more than 50 third-party Add-On applications that powerfully extend what ARCHICAD can do.
BIM6x Announces Revit Families and Revit Geometry Exchange Add-on for ARCHICAD
ARCHICAD users will get direct import and export of Revit families and files via new plugin from BIM6x.
BIM Product of the Year—ARCHICAD Wins Again, Seven Years Running at Hammers Awards
AEC industry pros in the UK market deem ARCHICAD the BIM Product of the Year, seven years running.
GRAPHISOFT Premieres New “By Design” Series—ARCHICAD Exemplars Tell All
GRAPHISOFT premieres new By Design film series.
Product In-Depth: A Focus on Workflow in ARCHICAD 21
ARCHICAD 21 has some truly astounding new tech inside but the Hungarian BIM leader says this release is all about the workflow.
GRAPHISOFT Webinar—Design Immersion: Sketch To Virtual Reality
Earn free AIA CES units in this GRAPHISOFT webinar while learning about how Virtual Reality is fundamentally changing how architects are communicating with their clients.
GRAPHISOFT Wins ‘Gold Stevie Award’ for ARCHICAD 21 Marketing Campaign in 2017
Patent-pending Predictive Design technology is the star of BIM maker’s award-winning marketing campaign for 2017.
GRAPHISOFT North America Partners with Black Spectacles Online Learning Resource
Black Spectacles is well known for its architecture industry online learning courses. Now GRAPHISOFT has partnered with them to provide new ARCHICAD training for the North American market.
KCC 2017: The Exhibitors in Kyoto—Innovation From Asia
We continue our Kyoto coverage of GRAPHISOFT’s Key Client Conference by looking at the many Asian software solutions being developed on the ARCHICAD platform or in support via IFC and Open BIM principles. We also look at something kind of special from HP.
GRAPHISOFT Officially Ships ARCHICAD 21—Latest BIM Software For AEC Industry
ARCHICAD 21 begins to ship in International and German-language versions this week. Other language versions coming shortly.
KCC 2017: Varkonyi Outlines GRAPHISOFT Future—Offers Glimpse of Nemetschek Group Strategy
Viktor Varkonyi, CEO of GRAPHISOFT, gave a thought-provoking introductory presentation in Kyoto, Japan, this week at the company’s Key Client Conference.
KCC 2017: Global Architects Convene in Kyoto for GRAPHISOFT Key Client Conference
Architosh is in Japan in Kyoto for the GRAPHISOFT 2017 Key Client Conference (KCC 2017) this week. We have a lot of reports coming up, plus a photo galleries from the event and trips around Kyoto.
Marc Kushner Wants to Turn the Architect-to-Manufacturer Relationship on its Head
Society will win if architects start using their industry powers and Kushner’s new ArchitizerSource platform is just one pathway to getting there.
ARCHICAD 21 First CAD or BIM App with Apple Touch Bar Support
ARCHICAD’s incorporation of Apple’s Touch Bar support for its latest MacBook Pro will likely spur on a catch-up race with other major and minor CAD developers. We explain why.
GRAPHISOFT introduces ARCHICAD 21—With New Patent-Pending Technology
With new patent-pending “Predictive Design” technologies, GRAPHISOFT delivers a bold new annual update to one of the market-leading BIM solutions for architects.
AIA 2017: Germany’s Nemetschek Group Brands Big at AIA Conference in Orlando
The Nemetschek Group presents a unified front at the 2017 AIA National Convention—for the first time.
Interview—Patrick May Talks About His Journey with ARCHICAD and GDL Scripting
Creating bespoke solutions as part of yours or your firm’s toolkit goes part and parcel these days with staying competitive in the world of architecture. But these skills—scripting and even programming—are very left brain for the traditionally right-brained world of creatives.
2017 BIMCON: Day 2 Recap: More Learning and Marc Kushner Keynote
Architosh’s Day 2 summary from the 2017 BIMCON event in Vegas. In this post, we discuss more learning sessions and recap Marc Kushner’s closing keynote talk.
2017 BIMCON—Day 1 Recap: Bjarke Ingels Group Keynote, Sessions Talk and More
Architosh attended GRAPHISOFT’s 2017 biennial BIMCOM event this year in Vegas. Here is our Day 1 summary with tons of details, tidbits, and tool talk for the ARCHICAD and even non-ARCHICAD AEC professional.
2017 BIMCON: Five Disruptive Thoughts Shared at GRAPHISOFT’S User Conference
The architecture industry has largely escaped dramatic disruption despite a huge influx of new technologies in the building industry. But the expectation is mounting for it to happen.
Event News: More Details Emerge on GRAPHISOFT User Conference Coming to Las Vegas
Details on GRAPHISOFT’s big annual BIM conference in Las Vegas are shared. This not-to-be-missed event is aimed at all ARCHICAD and BIM users, from Canada to Mexico and beyond.
ARCHICAD 20—A Deep Dive Into Its Best New Features
In this feature article Architosh takes a deeper look at the three big new features in ARCHICAD 20. Part insights, part step-by-step we dive deep into many aspects of graphic overrides, the Property Manager and what the new UI brings to UX.
GRAPHISOFT Announces Keynote Speakers For Its North American User Conference
Flagship event for Graphisoft in North America will bring together renowned keynote speakers and a powerful BIM technology course line up, offering unique learning experiences and networking opportunities for attendees.
Cutting-Edge Workflow—Grasshopper-ARCHICAD Live Connection Comes to Mac
To some, the ultimate architectural design workflow on Mac has just been created. GRAPHISOFT’s efforts put together three leading AEC industry tools working together on the Mac platform.
GRAPHISOFT’s ARCHICAD 20 Wins Digital Building Transition Award in France
GRAPHISOFT takes home top honors in French building industry awards program.
GRAPHISOFT’s Native BIM Formats Are Now Accepted for Architectural Building Submission in Singapore
The Building and Construction Authority (BCA) of Singapore has recently launched the Code of Practice (CoP) for BIM e-submissions and voluntary submission of architectural plans in native BIM formats, which includes GRAPHISOFT’s .PLA file format.
New Release of GRAPHISOFT BIMx—Now Supports Google Cardboard for VR
Multi-award winning BIMx, an innovative mobile application for Apple iOS and Google Android devices, now supports Google Cardboard bring virtual reality functionality to users.
AIA California Council Partners with GRAPHISOFT for BIM
The AIA in California has partnered with GRAPHISOFT to help increase Return-on-Investment for its members helping them with transitions to BIM workflows.
GRAPHISOFT North America Announces ARCHICAD Student Certification
GRAPHISOFT®, the leading Building Information Modeling (BIM) architectural software developer, has announced the development of an online ARCHICAD certification test.
GRAPHISOFT to Host Webinar Touting BIMx and BIMx PRO Features
Ernesto Minnucci, Laureate of Civil and Environmental Engineering, of Minnucci Associati, will showcase some of his firm’s recent projects. And GRAPHISOFT will give a ‘sneak-peek’ into new BIMx features coming out later this fall.
Music and BIM: Second BIM Brothers Music Video Out—’Faster than Ever’
Does it make sense for tech companies to produce highly engaging music videos touting the virtues of their products and services? You be the judge in this second edition music video produced for GRAPHISOFT as part of the original BIM Brothers music video series.
Arguably Ahead on Technology—GRAPHISOFT Aims For The Future of Practice
By partnering with the most dominant algorithmic design software company and creating a meta-data infrastructure with a flexible graphical super-system—to help visibly put that data to work—the Hungarian BIM software maker is positioning itself for the future.
Event News: Nordic BIM Academy Launches in Copenhagen 2016
Worldclass BIM event set to take center stage in Copenhagen in November—Nordic BIM Academy Copenhagen 2016