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AIA2018: Bentley Announces Acquisition of Synchro Software
Introducing time dimension to synchronization of BIM processes with work packaging, immersive visualization, and constructioneering, by way of Connected Data Environment (CDE).
GRAPHISOFT Debuts ARCHICAD 22 at AIA National Conference
GRAPHISOFT Debuts ARCHICAD 22 at AIA National for North American architects.
AIA2018: Autodesk to Introduce BIM 360 Design at AIA 2018
Autodesk will demonstrate the power of cloud-connected design through its BIM 360 platform as it advances BIM 360 Design at AIA 2018 next week.
SCIA Announces SCIA Engineer 18—Structural Analysis and Design Software
SCIA Engineer 18 streamlines usability, extends BIM links into the process and advances material design with industry-first features like its support for Bekaert Dramix® SFRC solutions.
A Miniature German Mittelstand—How the Nemetschek Group is Crushing It In the AEC Software Industry
The Nemetschek Group has quietly taken the number two position for global AEC software dominance. If past trending continues it could rival Autodesk revenues in AEC in half a decade. We spoke to its chief strategy officer, Sean Flaherty, to get the complete picture.
AIA 2018: GRAPHISOFT to Host Open House Event
The first annual ARCHICAD OPEN HOUSE event takes place at AIA National in NYC. A full day of learning sessions on an industry leader in BIM for architecture.
GRAPHISOFT Introduces BIMx Presenter for iOS and Android
The multi-award-winning BIMx mobile app for AEC gains powerful new features with BIMx Presenter.
2018 Vectorworks Design Summit—Registration Opens
Sunny Arizona will be the site of the annual Vectorworks Design Summit this year. The resort will offer attendees an inducement to make a little fall vacation out of it or bring their family along. While the venue type changes the focus is on a powerful educational experience for their users.
GRAPHISOFT Introduces ARCHICAD 22—Built for Facade Design Masters
A newly revamped Curtain Wall tool provides powerful capabilities for facade design masters using either traditional or algorithmic-based design methodology. In addition, GRAPHISOFT intros new patent-pending Machine Learning algorithms to speed up BIM.
Vectorworks Leads BIM Software in G2 Crowd Spring 2018 Grid and Index Report
New proprietary algorithm-based B2B software ranking and comparison service have Vectorworks at top of scores for Building Design and BIM software, based on real-time user data.
BricsCAD Shape for macOS—SketchUp Competitor Arrives in Market
Belgium-based Bricsys, has released the new BricsCAD Shape for macOS (and Windows too!).
Autodesk Releases Revit 2019—Multidisciplinary BIM Application
Autodesk advances BIM with Revit 2019, adding substantial new features across three main categories of Design, Optimize, and Connect.
Vectorworks, Inc. Announces Chinese Version of Vectorworks 2018 Software
The launch of the 11th localized language of Vectorworks to be celebrated with eight launch events.
Japan’s Nikken Sekkei and GRAPHISOFT Extend Strategic Partnership
Nikken Sekkei and GRAPHISOFT have reached an agreement to extend their strategic partnership for the promotion of BIM from 2018 to 2022 — with a special focus on developing next-generation BIM workflows.
Event News: GRAPHISOFT ARCHICAD Boston User Group Meeting
Boston area ARCHICAD users are encouraged to meet up at their regular user-group meeting in Boston at the BSA building. Learn about the latest features and network with other ARCHICAD users.
Event News: New ARCHICAD Courses Online
There are numerous ARCHICAD courses online happening throughout the spring heading into the summer. Earn AIA credits on these courses and more.
Vectorworks Partners with Bluebeam—Studio Now Syncs with Vectorworks Cloud Platform
Vectorworks is the first BIM software to integrate with Bluebeam Studio for real-time markups and review.
ARCHICAD Now Available Under Subscription Licenses in North America
New subscription licensing options for ARCHICAD in Canada and the US now available will empower firms with greater workflow and collaboration capabilities.
GRAPHISOFT Spearheads Construction Industry in Ireland—New BIM Partnership
GRAPHISOFT established new channel partnership in Ireland as the government mandate for BIM pushes more professionals to BIM workflows.
Event: ARCHICAD Collaboration with Revit
GRAPHISOFT has an upcoming event in March focused on ARCHICAD and Revit together for the ultimate in Open BIM collaboration training. Learn how to utilize three technologies in Open BIM workflows between two of the leading BIM authoring platforms in AEC.
Event: Learn the ARCHICAD to Grasshopper-Rhino Connection in March
Learn Grasshopper and Rhino and how it can power ARCHICAD in this AIA-credited online learning course by GRAPHISOFT.
French Mac Developer Releases New ‘’ for the AEC Industry
New BIM software from France aims to simplify the building design process by allowing architects and designers to use whatever modeling software they want up-front and then segue gracefully into IFC2x3 BIM compliant models which can then be pushed to the main BIM tools.
BricsCAD V18—2/3D CAD and BIM Software for Mac OS X
Belgium’s Bricsys delivers its native Mac OS X version of its popular DWG file-based CAD/BIM program with full compatibility with the latest versions of AutoCAD and IFC open-standard interoperability support.
Gaming Tech Takes Over—SPACIALISTS Touts Its Unreal Engine Viz Pipeline
As game engines continue to evolve as full-fledged complete 3D development environments, their ability to simplify complex development challenges across platforms means more professional 3D pros will begin to take advantage of them.
Event: ARCHICAD BIM Manager Course
Learn what it takes to become an ARCHICAD BIM Manager in this online course.
SketchUp May Finally Have Some Competition—New BricsCAD Shape
BricsCAD Shape is finally rolling out with the Windows version first but the Mac version is on its way. The new conceptual design modeler is meant for architects and engineers and is DWG native and supports IFC workflows.
architosh INSIDER 01—Introduction
architosh INSIDER Reports are a new segment of our premium content on Architosh. Designed to be topical in nature, these annual reports are developed to provide a set of high-level editorial focused on a particular company, technology segment, emerging set of innovations, or set of inter-related industry issues.
INSIDER: GRAPHISOFT’s BIM World—From the banks of the Danube to Tokyo
The Hungarian BIM software maker had a tremendous year, with noteworthy new technologies and even more noteworthy news of developments that lie ahead.
INSIDER: Big Construction and ARCHICAD—Willard Williams Talks Shop
Architect Willard Williams isn’t your typical ARCHICAD expert. He works on the construction company side of the equation now, but his insight about BIM and about how VR/AR and ARCHICAD can add value to the market is worth taking notes on.
INSIDER: Architectural Craftsmanship in the Age of BIM—Johnathan Redman Discusses FJMT Australia
An award-winning multi-national design practice disproves common assumptions, showing that BIM when combined with niche ideas about materiality and advanced digital simulation, conspire towards large works of architecture with cultural significance and lasting beauty.
SCIA Announces SCIA Engineer 17.1—Update for Skyward Productivity
New SCIA 17.1 update reflects company’s ability to listen to the needs of its customers, as it delivers updates important to customers in Europe and the United States.
BIM6x Announces Revit Families and Revit Geometry Exchange Add-on for ARCHICAD
ARCHICAD users will get direct import and export of Revit families and files via new plugin from BIM6x.
BricsCAD BIM 18—In Gent A New Power Is Rising in the BIM World
Bricsys of Belgium delivers many robust upgrades to its BricsCAD platforms and its BIM solutions has gain machine learning technology.
Product Review: Vectorworks Architect 2018
Vectorworks 2018’s new “multi-views” technology may be the show stopper in the latest release, but as John Helm notes, this is also the most sturdy first release in a long time.
Vectorworks 2018—Now Available in Spanish
Latest release of Vectorworks, Inc., focuses on BIM usability, design productivity, and analysis.
BIM Product of the Year—ARCHICAD Wins Again, Seven Years Running at Hammers Awards
AEC industry pros in the UK market deem ARCHICAD the BIM Product of the Year, seven years running.
Viewpoint: BIM—How should building product manufacturers cope with rising needs?
Building contractors continue to embrace the BIM process change revolution in the AEC industry, but a key implementation issue remains inconsistent standards and deployment of digital BIM object files by building product manufacturers.
Product In-Depth: A Focus on Workflow in ARCHICAD 21
ARCHICAD 21 has some truly astounding new tech inside but the Hungarian BIM leader says this release is all about the workflow.
Vectorworks, Inc. Talks—Five Key Items in Version 2018 That May Surprise You
In this special feature Architosh talks to Vectorworks’ Execs about the technologies and histories behind Vectorworks 2018’s biggest new features.
New Autodesk Investment – Project Frog Links Architectural Design to Fabrication
The Autodesk and Project Frog collaboration will create a common data environment (CDE) to streamline design and engineering processes and optimize the architectural design for manufacturing.
Up For 9 Nominations—Vectorworks At 2017 Construction Computing Awards
BIM Product of 2017, Architectural Design Software of 2017 and Collaboration Product of 2017—Just a few of the many nominations up for the latest Vectorworks software at the Construction Computing Awards.
Event News: Vectorworks and Autodesk Upcoming Events
Architosh has event news for both Autodesk and Vectorworks. Upcoming road show focuses on plastic mold design using Moldflow from Autodesk. Vectorworks has an upcoming BIM webinar.
Key New Modeling Features for Architects—In New Vectorworks 2018
Vectorworks 2018 has several new major modeling enhancements. We run down the main points of each.
Vectorworks 2018 Announced—Plus New Rigging Analysis Module
Vectorworks 2018 is announced with a focus on BIM usability, design productivity gains, and new analysis technologies.
Autodesk Announces New Free Components to “AEC Collection”
Autodesk adds three new BIM-centric offerings to AEC Collection software.
Architecture Firm Accelerates BIM Process—Using Their Hands
It may sound counter intuitive that the power of hand drawing can possibly speed up a modern architectural BIM workflow. But to the delight of ESG Architecture and Design, it actually is.
BSD Aims to Bring Specs to BIM—With New Leaders And Capital Injection
Visionary thought leaders join the company and secure capital to advance products to pioneer the convergence of specification and BIM technologies. But the cloud, and hence mobile, will need to play a future role in success.
North and South American Expansion—BIM Software Leader Solibri Expands Partners
The Nemetschek Group’s subsidiary Solibri has expanded its network of partners.
Multiple Drawing Views—Upcoming Vectorworks 2018 Gets Them And More
Watch this sneak-peak view of the upcoming Vectorworks 2018’s new support for Multiple Drawing Views and learn about a few other things too.
Featured Video: Vectorworks Architect 2017
In this featured video, Architosh showcases the key features in Vectorworks 2017 so that readers and users of this software can get excited about what comes next! Vectorworks 2018 is just around the corner.
The ODA (Open Design Alliance) Releases Teigha BIM 4.3.1
Third-party developers can now export both 2D and 3D geometry to native Revit 2018 files with the latest Teigha BIM SDK from the ODA—expanding interoperability and capacity for CAD and BIM developers.
Why Gensler Architects Have Embraced Allegorithmic’s Substance Software
Scott DeWoody of Gensler explains the firm’s adoption and use of Allegorithmic’s Substance software product line and how they work with it for all their digital material’s creation across their pipeline.
Creative App Learning Site ‘Pluralsight’—To Host Michelle Obama
The former First Lady will be speaking in a moderated conversation at Pluralsight LIVE in September.
Vectorworks News: Mac CAD Leader Forms New Office in United Kingdom
Vectorworks says the UK region is expanding their users and acquires Design Software Solutions Limited to form new Vectorworks UK office.
Vectorworks Design Summit Adds 7 New Speakers
Vectorworks announces 7 new speakers—industry leaders and Vectorworks innovative users who have valuable lessons to share with other design professionals.
Viewpoint: With BIM, EPC Firms Cannot Charge More—But They Can Charge Differently
Construction project owners are raising the bar of expectations, BIM consulting and modeling fees for an EPC firm isn’t the concern—it is how smartly they can generate revenue off of BIM.
GRAPHISOFT North America Partners with Black Spectacles Online Learning Resource
Black Spectacles is well known for its architecture industry online learning courses. Now GRAPHISOFT has partnered with them to provide new ARCHICAD training for the North American market.
KCC 2017: The Exhibitors in Kyoto—Innovation From Asia
We continue our Kyoto coverage of GRAPHISOFT’s Key Client Conference by looking at the many Asian software solutions being developed on the ARCHICAD platform or in support via IFC and Open BIM principles. We also look at something kind of special from HP.
GRAPHISOFT Officially Ships ARCHICAD 21—Latest BIM Software For AEC Industry
ARCHICAD 21 begins to ship in International and German-language versions this week. Other language versions coming shortly.
International Panel of Judges Announced for 2017 AEC Excellence Awards Program
Autodesk announces 2017 AEC Excellence Awards program—calls for submissions across four BIM categories.