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Archives for Robert McNeel Archives - Architosh

INSIDER: Expanding a BIM Workflow Near You—McNeel’s New Open Source Rhino.Inside SDK

BIM tools have failed global design leaders in many areas—especially advanced modeling. Now Rhino and GH are coming “inside” to help solve long extent pain points in the AEC industry.


New Book by McNeel—Essential Algorithms and Data Structures for Grasshopper

McNeel releases a new book on Essential Algorithms and Data Structures for Computational Design.


Event News—Kangaroo Physics Workshop by Daniel Piker

Come learn Kangaroo the simulation plugin for Rhino in lovely Barcelona, Spain, this May.


CAD / 3D News: Nvidia, Rhino, Boxx and Trimble News

We have tidbits items on Nvidia Iray and its new spherical camera for VR; plus news from Trimble and McNeel on online accounts, new domains and new company name for the former; plus BOXX has new over-clocked workstations.


Inflection Point: Disruptions, Platforms and Growth with Rhino + Grasshopper (Part 1)

According to Gartner’s “Hype Cycle technology curve, algorithmic aided design within the building design industry—sometimes referred to as AAD—is nearing the “peak of inflated expectations,” where we see in the industry what is known as supplier proliferation. Indeed, quite suddenly in fact, McNeel & Associates has seen a ground swell in competition to their famous Rhino + Grasshopper product combo. An inflection point is coming, due to the rapid rise of something McNeel & Associates has become synonymous for, but so too is change. In this two part series we investigate the factors in this change and learn what may lie ahead.


McNeel unveils new Rhino 5 for Mac with intro pricing

McNeel has officially unveiled Rhino 5 for Mac with pricing for both commercial and educational customers, plus a projected scope of feature updates in the upcoming versions as notes on Grasshopper support.


McNeel prepping for first official release of Rhino 5 for Mac (finally!)

The Mac 3D world has gained a new friend in the upcoming official first release of Rhino 5 for Mac. Today users can embrace Release Candidate 1 (RC1) for free use for evaluation for 90 days. We have many more details and analysis below.


GRAPHISOFT announces Rhino to ArchiCAD Connection

Graphisoft and Nikken Sekkei cooperation agreement bears first fruits for all ArchiCAD and Rhino users in new connector software between the two popular programs, bring leading edge modeling to a leading BIM application.


In-Brief: Rhynamo is now Open Source

New open source project Rhynamo is now available to download


Rhino 5 is out on Windows

Rhino 5 is now out with thousands of improvements, Mac users will need to still wait


Rhino 5.0 WIP release for Mac OS X now out

McNeel releases new Lion compatible WIP for Rhino Mac 5.0


Top CAD/3D CEO’s Talk About Apple in the Industry

In our third article in our 2011 State of Apple in CAD/3D industries series, we deal with many of the bigger issues by speaking to several of the industry’s leading CAD/3D software CEOs and company presidents.


Tidbits: iRhino and Dosch news

Mac CAD and 3D News: We have tidbits on iRhino 3d for your iOS device plus news on new Dosch products


iRhino 3D v1.2 now available for iPad and more

Robert McNeel shares that iRhino 3D is now at version 1.2, includes Dropbox support and other minor updates


Rhino 5 for OS X New WIP Released

McNeel and Associates release Rhino 5 WIP for OS X


iRhino 3D updated to version 1.1

iRhino 3D gets updated to version 1.1. The new iPad application is designed to allow you to view and navigate your Rhino models wherever you go!


AIA: Rhiknowbot for Rhino

Rhiknowbot is one of the coolest third-party plugins for Rhino around and it specifically addresses the architecture market. In this report we take a look at where generative design is getting very specific to the architecture market with Rhiknowbot.


AIA: Rhino for the iPad and iPhone

At AIA Miami one of the highlights for the show was seeing and playing with McNeel’s iRhino 3D. This application for the iPad shows what is possible for 3D on the popular new device and there is plenty to like in this very early version.


McNeel Explains Leopard and 64-bit Rhino for Mac Users

Marlin Prowell of Robert McNeel & Associates explains the purpose behind the Leopard requirements for the latest Wanatchee build for Rhino Mac beta


First Release of Rhino for Mac still one year away

Robert McNeel tells end users on his company’s blog that Rhino on the Mac is a huge undertaking and will be at least another year


SIGGRAPH Feature: Architosh Talks to Robert McNeel About Rhino for Mac and More…

Without debate one of the most exciting announcements to hit the Macintosh CAD and 3D community in recent years was the decision Robert McNeel made to port the extremely well-regarded modeler to Apple’s Mac OS X platform. The project is taking some time as the company is developing Rhino for OS X alongside continuous improvements to the core program which competes with a good-sized group of other advanced modelers. Being this is Siggraph week I caught up with Bob McNeel, CEO of Robert McNeel and Associates, developers of Rhino, to discuss his company at Siggraph 2008 and the progress being made on Rhino for Mac OS X.


Siggraph Highlights for Mac Users – Part 2

Architosh will be covering all the latest Siggraph 2008 news this week but in this first of two parts we will highlight some notable announcements for Mac 3D professionals.


Architosh Reader Says SolidWorks for Mac OS X Due in Barcelona 2008

Massachusetts-based SolidWorks Corporation may have Mac OS X version under wraps but UK rep says not for long


Tidbits: Mac 3D News – Electric Image update and Bunkspeed News

Electric Image Animation Studio 7.0.1 update released, Bunkspeed Chooses Cadalog for Distribution in Japan