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Archives for iPad CAD Archives - Architosh

Autodesk Intros AutoCAD 2019—New Industry Toolsets, Flexible Licensing and new Web Version

Autodesk simplifies AutoCAD 2019 into one license, many apps, experience, giving users much more freedom across tools and devices.


CorelCAD Mobile Now Available for Apple iOS Platform

Corel brings its mobile CAD offering, CorelCAD Mobile, to Apple iOS, extending its market reach to the more professionally robust mobile platform.


OrthoGraph I Monthly Ticket—App Offered at 50 Percent Discount

OrthoGraph I is an award-winning mobile app that is purpose built for AEC pros who must measure existing buildings and translate that data to CAD and BIM.


OrthoGraph I Now At Version 1.5—New LDM Features and More

OrthoGraph I has just surprised us with a point-5 update. The new improvements include new support for more laser distance meters (LDMs) including from Bosch and several new features.


OrthoGraph Announces Winner of Fire Investigation Webinar Contest

California architect Peter Samarin wins free laser hardware and year’s subscription to OrthoGraph 1 system as part of webinar series contests—learns how survey building app works in conjunction with Leica Disto D2 device.


Graebert Shows ARES Touch for iOS and ARES Kudo Progress—More Flexibility Than Rivals

By providing native apps across all major operating systems—desktop or mobile—including the cloud via the modern browser, Onshape’s CAD partner, the Berlin-based Graebert, aims to give CAD users the world over the most flexible access to their DWG based data.


Amy Bunszel of Autodesk talks to Architosh about AutoCAD, Mac and the new iPad Pro

Apple delivered on longstanding rumors of a more powerful, larger iOS driven iPad—the new iPad Pro—but stunned many in the IT community with its superbly executed new Apple Pencil and new physical keyboard smart cover. Select software developers, like Autodesk, were invited to get their hands on the iPad Pro early. In this interview Amy Bunszel, VP for AutoCAD at Autodesk, talks to Architosh about what the iPad Pro makes possible for AutoCAD in mobile, discusses the new hardware inputs like Pencil versus Touch and also provides readers a snippet about what’s important and going on with AutoCAD on Mac.


AppTalk: New ArcSite for iOS aims to reboot mobile CAD

New ArcSite is a brand new iOS mobile CAD app for the Apple iPad. It is the first such mobile CAD tool, on any mobile platform, to feature ‘real-time’ shape recognition while you draw, quickly turning non-straight lines into straight ones, wobbly squares into perfect squares and so forth.


Innovative cloud-based MCAD app ‘Onshape’ will be compatible with Apple iPad Pro

Onshape, being the only professional 3D CAD system running on iPads and iPhones, will be the perfect match for the new business focused iPad Pro 12.9 inch screen with increased compute and graphics power when it is released in November.


Concepts by TopHatch updates Sketching and CAD on iPad

Concepts continues to evolve nicely with an evolving suite of tools that bridge the divide between CAD and sketching. Concepts runs on your Apple iPad and works with the latest digital pen tools.


OrthoGraph of Hungary is Looking for Partners for International Network

OrthoGraph of Hungary is looking for partners for its growing international partner network. OrthoGraph Architect 3D is a leading app for measuring existing conditions and works with laser equipment.


Startup on the Danube Aims to Simplify Building Survey Process

As part of our Ultimate iPad Guide: Apps for Architects Version 2 series features, Architosh tells the story of three iOS developers writing apps for architects. In this feature we write of our OrthoGraph interview in Budapest, Hungary back in the summer of 2014. Laszlo Toth, co-founder of OrthoGraph Architect 3D, works directly across from the Graphisoft headquarters in beautiful Graphisoft Park and shared with me the company’s beginnings, goals and current thinking.


London Duo Inspires to Make CAD Authoring on Mobile Work

As part of our Ultimate iPad Guide: Apps for Architects Version 2 series features, Architosh tells the story of three iOS developers writing apps for architects. In this feature we learn from an architect and engineer duo in London at the helm of Orange Juice Studios, the developers of the soon to be released CADO mobile CAD authoring app that cleverly solves the multitouch issue of one-finger CAD authoring.


IMSI Design announces TurboViewer 3.5—Powerful 2/3D DWG and PDF Markup Viewer

IMSI Design has announced the latest version of its noted TurboViewer app, now at version 3.5, with the fastest 2d and 3d PDF and DWG file viewing on any mobile app and robust collaborative communications


Autodesk updates AutoCAD 360 Mobile to version 2.1

AutoCAD 360 Mobile gets better with version 2.1 update


IFC and DXF output directly from iPad exist in OrthoGraph 7

OrthoGraph Architect 7 works with both DXF and IFC formats from the iPad


Bluebeam updates Revu for iPad to version 2.0

Bluebeam’s latest Revu 2.0 for iPad adds solid features


In Brief: Apple awarded patent for multi-touch virtual CAD technology

Apple awarded patent for virtual CAD tools for multi-touch OS


Autodesk renames AutoCAD WS to AutoCAD 360 Pro Mobile

Autodesk advances AutoCAD WS, changes name to AutoCAD 360 and offers multiple app plans plus web beta for AutoCAD as SaaS


Sensopia raises $1.2 million in Series A for MagicPlan iPad app for AEC pros

MagicPlan iPad app gains as Sensopia raises 1.2 US million in Series A venture funding. App helps real estate pro create floor plans automatically.


OrthoGraph Architect 5 available for iPad

Leading iOS CAD app gains IFX 2×3 data exchange and more features…


BIM/CAD Formats per App: An iPad Guide

This feature report lists BIM/CAD file formats and which apps associate themselves with each format or vice versa. This is a good shortcut guide to finding the apps you will need.


Sensopia’s innovative iPad app MagicPlan turns 3.0

With more than 3.5 million donwloads, MagicPlan has turned heads. Now in version 3.0 it has even more cool features