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Mac 3D: Russian based C3D Labs adds Mac OS X support for its geometry modeling kernel

Apple gains a new 3D geometry modeling kernel developer in Russia, an area approximate to numerous emerging foreign software development houses and innovative startups in Eastern Europe


C3D Labs, part of ASCON Group, announced last week that they have added support for Apple’s Mac OS X operating system for its C3D geometry kernel. The Russian company says it is listening to its customers and they have applications being used in a wide variety of environments.

Another OS X Modeling Kernel

Traditionally, kernel developers have ported their kernels to other operating systems because of either numerous requests or a request by a very big application developer, someone whom you couldn’t afford to lose. C3D isn’t a house-hold name in the geometry kernel world, as most Russian software firms are still relatively unknown to end users–even advanced end users–outside of Russia.

With support for both Windows, Linux and now Mac OS X, the C3D geometry kernel joins the same league as the heavy hitter kernels like Siemens’ Parasolid, Dassault Systemes Spatial ACIS and a few others–at least as far as platforms are concerned. And speaking of platforms, the C3D kernel was earlier ported to Android, an emerging popular tablet OS in AEC and CAD in certain countries.

01 - The 3CD kernel is now available for Mac OS X.

01 – The C3D kernel is now available for Mac OS X. 3CD for OS X compiled in Xcode 5.1 development environment using Clang 3.4 compiler. (image courtesy ASCON Group. All rights reserved)

Geometry modeling kernels are API-level source code that software programmers adopt as part of their application solutions. These toolkits help programmers create 2D and 3D geometry CAD and 3D applications with built-in capabilities that would take far too long to develop (code) from scratch.

To learn more about C3D geometry modeling kernel go here.


From 1995 to 2012, ASCON Group, located in Moscow, Russia, used its own kernel exclusively as a component of its KOMPAS-3D CAD software. Two years ago ASCON decided to make the C3D kernel available for licensing to third-party developers. That arrangement is not unusual, though some CAD companies have opted to develop their own kernels and keep them proprietary (e.g.: Autodesk and GRAPHISOFT). Currently the C3D kernel is used primarily by other Russian software companies developing CAD systems or by research teams, including NTP Truboprovod, Bazis-Center, Lenigrad Branch of the Central Research Institute of Technology, GeoS Center, and Mordovia State University.

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