Maxon, the makers of Cinema 4D, a leading global high-end modeling, rendering and animations 3D software package, will be hosting a webinar online focused on advanced fluid simulations in Cinema 4D (aka: C4D) using technology from NextLimit’s RealFlow
Webinar Details
For readers know the movies Terminator, you likely recall the evil Terminator character who could morph into liquid metal. In the past, these types of advanced simulations of fluids were the domain of large film production studios because of the immense cost, high-end software requirements and massive render times.
Beyond movies there are numerous uses for fluid simulations, including advanced motion design, product visualizations and of course special effects in film and broadcast. These days even small studios can create convincing fluid simulations.

01 – Webinar on Fluid Simulation in Cinema 4D and RealFlow. Image: Maxon/ Thomas Andreasen. All rights reserved.)
In this basic skills webinar, Danish 3D designer and Cinema 4D lead instructor Thomas Andreasen shows participants how to create fluid simulations inside Cinema 4D and NextLimit’s RealFlow. Using a perfume advert, he will lead an example through the steps to creating this stunning simulation.
Time and More
The webinar takes place on 28 Jan 2016, at 4:30 PM (CET). To register visit here.
To learn more about Cinema 4D visit here or read our latest product review on it.
Speaker Bio
Thomas Andreasen started in the advertising industry in 1991. In the late 90s he started focusing more on creating visuals in Photoshop and 3D applications. He has been using Cinema 4D professionally since 2000 and founded his first company in 2006. In 2010 he opened his own 3D production studio, A3D, which focuses on creating high-end visuals for a number of multi-national companies as well as for smaller local clients and also instructs them in Cinema 4D.
Thomas is MAXON Lead Instructor for Scandinavia. He teaches and demonstrates Cinema 4D in several northern countries as well as at international shows and events.
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