Graphisoft today announced ArchiCAD 17, the latest version of its award-winning building information modeling (BIM) software for architects and related professionals worldwide. The new version features several “industry-first” innovations.
ArchiCAD is an end-to-end BIM workflow and this latest version offers Priority Based Connections, a unique advancement to BIM because typically architects must continue work in 2D CAD over sectional or cut data from the BIM model. This 2D work over a viewport view of the BIM 3D model (by looking at the model in section, elevations view or horizontal view) is done to correct the fact that most BIM tools on the market cannot include every layer of detail in the wall, floor, roof and ceiling assemblies that make up real buildings. Now ArchiCAD 17 tackles the entire challenge.
ArchiCAD 17’s Priority Based Connections allow architects to establish all the priorities for all the materials in assemblies. ArchiCAD 17 then, using the intelligence built into the priority system, generates structurally correct details in all views. The program can also handle rare exceptions on an individual basis.
A further enhancement includes Intelligent Element Association to Story Heights and Intelligent Reference Line Handling of Elements, this together with the Priority Based Connections and Intelligent Building Materials, makes ArchiCAD 17 fully understand how assemblies shall connect to each other and which materials terminate into which materials on the other assembly–like for roof to wall, for example.
Industry First Background Processing
ArchiCAD 17 introduces an industry first in background processing. This means multi-core processing is further enhanced in the product and it means that it speeds up faster generation of complex models with all this additional detail in the various assemblies. Architosh will be publishing more information on this item in a future report.

02 - This is actually one stunning image for this reason. The walls have been removed but what you see left on the floors and ceilings is very intricate spatial areas where the materials make their stops as they interface each other in assembly connections. The net result is stunningly more accurate material take-offs, a huge win for cost-estimating.
For improvements in collaboration and interoperability, ArchiCAD 17 supports Coordination View 2.0 in IFC and Concept Design BIM 2010 (required by the US gov. GSA), Statsbygg (Norway), Senate Properties (Finland), FM Handover (required by COBie) and others. This includes currency unit export, calendar date type IFC properties and ifcSystems Assignment Support for system type elements such as MEP systems.
Workflow and Other Improvements
ArchiCAD 17 also features an improved MORPH tool to support conceptual design (there are improvements to push/pull and more), a Real-time 3D Cutting Planes technology, support for Curved Beams, and dozens of Library enhancements. BIMx is also installed automatically in every ArchiCAD 17 installation.
To learn more about ArchiCAD 17 or to watch well over three dozen feature videos visit:
Architosh Analysis
Architosh got a chance to see ArchiCAD 17 in action a week ago in a web conference. Once again, we are deeply impressed with the depth of new features and feature improvements. The Budapest-based CAD/BIM innovator methodically marches forward with seemingly one market-leading innovation after another. Not every version offers something nobody else has but over the past several versions the company has been on fire.
ArchiCAD was already fastest to market with 64-bit and multiprocessing over its major BIM rivals. This version extends that performance improvement with its innovative background processing, which the company told us is just the beginning. At the rate Graphisoft is innovating by the time they reach version 20 they likely will have tackled every major roadblock in the way of BIM nirvana. We look forward to reviewing this product.
Reader Comments
[…] 참고문헌 Posted by KiByung Yoon at 12:38 오전 […]
That graphic from the ArchiCAD 17 announcement is one of my favorites!
That graphic from the ArchiCAD 17 announcement is one of my favorites!
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