Luxion has released the latest version of its ultra-fast ray tracing rendering program, KeyShot 2.1. The latest release includes major improvements in usability, rendering and CAD integration, the company reports.
One of the world’s leading rendering technology companies, Luxion released one of the world’s first realtime ray tracing and GI (global illumination) programs to the market, leveraging the power of today’s modern GPU (graphics processing units) graphics cards. This latest dot one release is a free upgrade to all KeyShot 2.0 users.

01 - KeyShot 2.1 adds more support for CAD programs, allowing more users to take advantage of KeyShot's powerful realtime rendering capabilities.
KeyShot 2.1 delivers many new features and makes it even easier to create photographic images from 3D CAD models. KeyShot 2.1 adds support for SolidEdge, Autodesk Alias, and further support for native Pro/Engineer files.
To learn about what is new in more detail or to buy KeyShot 2.1 visit here:
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