Archives for Francois Levy Archives - Architosh
François Lévy On the Power of BIM For Sustainability
An Austin, Texas-based firm leverages Vectorworks’ big-tent approach to a unified BIM delivery system. Tapping the power of flexibility and multiple built-in tools, this firm designs highly tuned sustainability projects for its clients.
Editorial: Levy has something to say about BIM for sole-practitioners
Not much has changed for both sole practitioners in the economy and the discussion around BIM. But Levy offers small-scale practice a unique view for BIM adoption
Architosh talks to Francois Levy about Small-Firm BIM
In this Special Report we talk to architect, researcher and BIM book author, Francois Levy, AIA, about Small-Scale BIM and Sustainable Design
New BIM book looking for architects for inclusion
Architosh reader and architect, Francois Levy, is looking for projects for his new BIM book, to be published by Wiley later this year.