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Archives for DfMA (design for manufacturing and assembly) Archives - Architosh

ALLPLAN buys US-based Manufacton — Boosts DfMA Sector

The Nemetschek Group expands its US presence with ALLPLAN’s acquisition of US-based Manufacton, a leader in software for prefab and off-site construction.


Autodesk Informed Design—Unlocks Industrial Construction Connecting Design and Make Workflows

Autodesk unveils Autodesk Informed Design platform and tools for Revit and Inventor to link design and manufacturing workflows in AEC/O.


Tect—A Promising Platform Can Provide Key Gains for Architects and Manufacturers Alike

Tect can Uber-ize the building industry’s three-sided market dynamics between architects and their contractors (demand-side) and the building manufacturers (supply-side), resulting in streamlined economics for everyone.


GKV — Diversification and Adaptability with Vectorworks

Modular construction is just another sector specialty for this New York City architecture firm that excels at delivering design services in large part due to its agile BIM platform.


Nemetschek Group Sponsors Venture Lab Built Environment at Technical University of Munich

Nemetschek Group has invested in a new lab environment for the built environment at the Technical University of Munich to spur innovation in emerging technologies impacting the AEC industry.


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