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Archives for Brazil Archives - Architosh

Tidbits: Rhino, Brazil, Vectorworks and other news

Mac CAD and 3D News: We have news on Rhino tutorials, new release candidate software for Brazil, Vectorworks training in New York City and ArchiCAD Start Edition news.


Tidbits: solidThinking, Brazil for Rhino and more news…

Mac CAD and 3D News Tidbits: solidThinking joins HyperWorks program, Brazil for Rhino news and AIA Architectural Billings Index Drops 6 points


SIGGRAPH Feature: Architosh Talks to Robert McNeel About Rhino for Mac and More…

Without debate one of the most exciting announcements to hit the Macintosh CAD and 3D community in recent years was the decision Robert McNeel made to port the extremely well-regarded modeler to Apple’s Mac OS X platform. The project is taking some time as the company is developing Rhino for OS X alongside continuous improvements to the core program which competes with a good-sized group of other advanced modelers. Being this is Siggraph week I caught up with Bob McNeel, CEO of Robert McNeel and Associates, developers of Rhino, to discuss his company at Siggraph 2008 and the progress being made on Rhino for Mac OS X.