Two of the Nemetschek Group AEC software companies this week announced they were merging into one company under ALLPLAN. This merging will strengthen their joined capabilities in the engineering and construction market.
Precast Software Engineering, a three decade long business, has been providing solutions for industrialized construction with expertise in precast structural engineering.
Unifying Solutions
“This is an important milestone for ALLPLAN, which will extend the seamless BIM workflow from engineering to construction“, says Dr. Detlef Schneider, CEO of ALLPLAN. “Combining engineering and precast manufacturing competence will create a unique solution from architectural design through structural engineering to manufacturing and construction that supports the growing demand of lean and industrialized construction processes. This will foster the digitalization in the AEC industry significantly.”

ALLPLAN and Precast Software Engineering merge under ALLPLAN. This will better offer a focused set of solutions for both the engineering and construction markets. (Image: ALLPLAN / All rights reserved.)
ALLPLAN will now be offering under its roof PLANBAR and TIM, solutions from Precast Software Engineering that offer model-based precast element design and detailing solutions for customers to plan and execute precast concrete projects. The combination of these solutions to ALLPLAN will create one solution for both the engineering and construction markets.
Since PLANBAR is already based on the Allplan platform, this directly opens up completely new possibilities. Architects, engineers and construction companies will be able to transfer BIM models to industrial production completely digitially, including connection to MES and ERP (enteprise resource planning) systems. This will also aid precast plants in their ability to build from BIM models. And customers further benefit from strategic developments in Open BIM interfaces such as IFC4precast.
Asia and North America
The Nemetschek Group is looking at this merger as an opportunity to strengthen its market position in North America and Asia. Industrial precast construction requires a high quality design of precast concrete elements, with speed and efficiency as critical factors in who wins the work. Whether for industrial series production or complex precast elements—experts for precast construction require reliable software solutions for the delivery of automated design and data for precast fabrication.
To learn more about PLANBAR and TIM, visit here and here, respectively. For Precast Software Engineering’s website click here.
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