Los Angeles, CA, June 2020–Chaos Group launches V-Ray Collection, a new offering designed to help artists connect their entire creative pipeline through a single floating license. Users can now move freely between 3D applications, applying their own mix of photorealistic rendering, fluid simulation, and real-time scene exploration to any project.
Instant access to 15 products
V-Ray Collection offers instant access to 15 products and services for $699/year, including the latest versions of V-Ray, Phoenix FD, 0, and the high-res material library, VRscans, on the same machine. Users will receive free upgrades for the life of their license, as well as 20 Chaos Cloud credits every year.

01 – Artists and designers looking for creative freedom and flexibility will get instant access to 15 Chaos products with only one license. All rights reserved.
A standard in architecture, design, and visual effects, V-Ray is the most widely used rendering solution in the world. Whether used to showcase products at IKEA or bring the Game of Thrones dragons to life, V-Ray has helped artists and designers visualize their best work for over 20 years, pushing the boundaries of imagery, animation, and real-time. In 2017, V-Ray was honored with an Academy Award for helping to facilitate the “widespread adoption of fully ray-traced rendering [in] motion pictures.”
V-Ray Collection Includes
Photorealistic Rendering
● V-Ray for 3ds Max
● V-Ray for Maya
● V-Ray for SketchUp
● V-Ray for Rhino
● V-Ray for Revit
● V-Ray for Modo
● V-Ray for Unreal
● V-Ray for Houdini
● V-Ray for Nuke
● V-Ray for Cinema 4D
● V-Ray for Blender
All-In-One Fluid Simulation
● Phoenix FD for 3ds Max
● Phoenix FD for Maya
1000+ Scanned Materials
● VRscans
Real-Time Scene Exploration
● Project Lavina
Pricing and Availability
V-Ray Collection is available now for $699/year. Licenses can be purchased directly on the product page. Unlike past licenses, V-Ray Collection will not require a separate render node for each product. Individual product licenses are still available. For students, schools, and educators, the V-Ray Education Collection is also available.
About Chaos Group
Chaos Group is a worldwide leader in computer graphics technology, helping artists and designers create photorealistic imagery and animation for architecture, design, and visual effects. Chaos Group’s award-winning physically-based rendering and simulation software is used daily by top design studios, architectural firms, advertising agencies, and visual effects companies around the globe. Today, the company's research and development in ray-traced rendering, cloud computing, and real-time ray tracing is shaping the future of creative storytelling and digital design. Founded in 1997, Chaos Group is privately owned with offices in Sofia, Los Angeles, Prague, Seoul, and Tokyo. For more information, visit chaosgroup.com.
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