The Resurgence of (.dwg)—A Look at its Present and Future Technology
Our second annual architosh INSIDER Report focuses on the state of (.dwg) CAD technology, by looking at the present and future innovations of its main adherents.

architosh INSIDER 02 — Introduction
Our second INSIDER Report focuses on delivering the latest state of the art thinking about the present and future state of (.dwg).
Read moreINSIDER: A (.dwg) Renaissance—Neil Petersen of the ODA Explains Why
With 80 software engineers largely in Eastern Europe, the Open Design Alliance (ODA) is a software powerhouse in its own right, now aiming to maximize CAD industry interoperability across a range of new initiatives. Importantly though, (.dwg) is far from legacy—new initiatives aim to put it back on the main stage.
Read moreINSIDER: Bricsys 2018: CAD + Machine Learning Equals Intelligent Collaboration
Bricsys has possibly taken the leadership front in the area of merging Machine Learning (ML) within a CAD tool—it has demonstrated truly powerful and ground-breaking new intelligence in a (.dwg) native-based CAD and BIM tool, with specialized verticals coming by way of a powerful third-party API system.
Read moreINSIDER: Marcus O'Brien of Autodesk—A Conversation About AutoCAD for Mac and Other Platforms
Autodesk says the platforms aren’t important anymore but getting users AutoCAD data in front of them anywhere, anytime, on any device is where the CAD giant intends to command its historic lead over rivals.
Read moreINSIDER: Graebert On Concentric Circles of (.dwg) Users—Why Its Cloud and Enterprise Updates Matter
The cloud is unlocking roadblocks in existing workflows and Graebert’s ARES Kudo, in particular, is enabling its OEM partners to build enriched solution portfolios that scale up to the larger enterprise client level.
Read moreINSIDER: How CorelCAD Continues to Grow—Unique Differentiation and Global Sales Channel
While Corel steadily leverages its world-class CorelDRAW brand across its global enterprise customers, CorelCAD has found new adherents within the AEC industries, particularly with engineers.
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