Cambridge, UK-based Shaderlight Ltd, has updated Shaderlight 2018, its popular photo-realistic rendering plugin for Trimble’s SketchUp modeling program.
The update is free for all users with a Shaderlight 2018 license.
Update Features
The update includes the ability to do precise adjustments of environment rotation. The addition of a numeric entry field will now make it easier for users to get an accurate match of the lighting environment and background image between different SketchUp models.
There is now a warning when closing during a rendering process, to prevent accidentally losing the progress of a long-running render you are not aware of. Shaderlight will now warn you if you attempt to close the render window while a render is in progress.

01 – Shaderlight is one of the most popular rendering plugins for SketchUp. Users produce photorealistic renders inside SketchUp after installing this plugin. Works on PC and Mac.
Finally, a new Keep Shaderlight “always on top” option is available in the program’s settings to keep the application window above other windows between sessions.
Shaderlight 2018 Trial
The latest version of Shaderlight fully supports SketchUp 2018. The program runs on both Windows and Mac. Shaderlight 2018 Pro is 299.USD. A free 14-day access trial is available here.
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