Yulio Technologies is a company in the virtual reality (VR) market and their audio hotspot technology has recently been added to their VR cloud-driven solutions.
Adding Audio to VR Environments
Yulio’s technology is ideal for architects, interior designers, and construction firms, as well as real estate professionals, as it can be used to provide narrative audio to detailed and immersive VR experiences. The tech works from 2D to 3D and VR and can be used with media created from SketchUp, Revit, 3ds max, Rhino and other tools.
A Yulio plugin enables the user to export out their 3D designs from the 3D programs listed above. Then, the user logins to Yulio and adds, edits and manages VR Yulio projects. From this environment, the user can then share the VR experiences with one click and the end-targetted individual can view and experience them on their personal device. (eg: smartphone or computer).

01 – An image from Yulio VR environment showing audio hotspots. (image: Yulio Technologies. All rights reserved.)
The launch of the audio hotspot feature means designers can add audio files of up to two minutes each to specific areas within a virtual environment. The end-user initiates the audio clip—which can include descriptions of specific design choices, answers to frequent questions, or general background information.
Uses of Audio in Architectural VR
There are many good reasons why audio makes good sense for architecture and design VR. These include:
- Consistent presentations – designers who are absent during presentations are able to ensure they maintain control over the information offered around key areas of their work.
- Client feedback – designers are able to add audio clips to specific parts of a design in order to respond to previous client questions or add commentary to areas where changes had been made and issue addressed.
- Product descriptions – users are able to gaze at products within the design, such as a specific chair choice in an office, and trigger audio clips relating to its features and benefits at the same time they are checking out its aesthetics.
- Ambient sound – adding real world audio increases the level of immersion with a design and helps bring it to life. Office designers can add ambient workday noise, while neighborhood scenes may benefit from the sounds of children playing.
Yulio Technologies’ solutions are also useful for retailers and similar end-users as it gives them the ability to create next-generation virtual catalogs. Using their own mobile devices or a VR headset, retailing end-users (ie: shoppers) can virtually browse virtual product environments triggering audio commentaries attached to products they are interested in.
Yulio VR has four stages of pricing running from Free to Enterprise. The free account gains the user 1,000 views and a Yulio-branded interface and is single-user only. Enterprise enables half a million views per month, your own branding, and up to 50 users. This plan costs $550.USD per month. Professional and Basic are plans in between.
The viewer apps that enable your clients to experience your Yulio VRs is free. To learn more visit them online here: https://www.yulio.com
Reader Comments
Too expensive. There are other free VR software’s out there. Plus I heard a VR company just closed down due to the lack of VR activity in this industry. AR or Mixed is really the next best thing.
Too expensive. There are other free VR software’s out there. Plus I heard a VR company just closed down due to the lack of VR activity in this industry. AR or Mixed is really the next best thing.
VR is a hype, and its dead. Time to move on
Thanks for the post. Sounds like an interesting read.
VR is a hype, and its dead. Time to move on
Thanks for the post. Sounds like an interesting read.
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