The Chaos Group, the Bulgarian software company behind the industry-leading photo-realistic renderer, V-Ray, has announced that the company and technology have won a 2017 Academy Award.
V-Ray technology is used extensively throughout multiple markets, including the highly demanding visual effects (VFX) for film and broadcast industry.
Oscar Worthy Technology—Ray Tracing for Motion Pictures
The award, presented by the Academy’s Scientific Technical Awards Committee, recognizes V-Ray’s role in bringing realistic CGI (computer graphics imagery) to the big screen.
The Academy says, “V-Ray’s efficient production-ready approach to ray-tracing and global illumination, its support for a wide variety of workflows, and its broad industry acceptance were instrumental in the widespread adoption of fully ray-traced rendering for motion pictures.”

01 – V-Ray wins a scientific and technical 2017 Oscar Award, for its contributions to computer imagery for motion pictures.
Unlike other Academy Awards, Scientific and Technical Awards aren’t granted for work developed in the past year—instead, they take into account the overall contribution of particular technology to the process of making movies. However, 2016 has been a monumental year for Chaos Group in film, with V-Ray rendering incredible imagery for movies such as Doctor Strange, Captain America: Civil War, and X-Men: Apocalypse.
This year the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has announced 18 scientific and technical achievements represented by 34 individual award recipients, as well as five organizations.
Vlado will collect his award at the Scientific and Technical Awards Presentation on Saturday, February 11, 2017, at the Beverly Wilshire in Beverly Hills. Portions of the Scientific and Technical Awards Presentation will be included in the Oscar telecast, to be held on Sunday, February 26, 2017.
To learn more about V-Ray and the Chaos Group go here.
[Editor’s note: We changed the title to and replaced the word “Oscar” with “Academy” and also within the body of the text. Oscars are only for the regular Academy Award recipients and not for the technical awards program. 1 Feb 2017. 8:53. AFR]
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