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Cloud 3D rendering company Rendicity announces Apple Mac support

Mac users gain another professional 3D rendering in the cloud farm solution in Rendicity.


The cloud-based rendering company, Rendicity, has announced support for Apple Mac OS X (soon to be called just macOS) users across two key 3D application platforms.

Rendicity for Apple macOS

Rendicity is an on-demand cloud solutions company that offers a middleware software for more secure and faster rendering and now includes support for Apple’s professional Mac users. The company is targeting animation studios, architects, and industrial designers who need high-quality 3D visuals and renders.

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According to the company, now Apple users can use high-tech processing power in the cloud, with near infinite scalability, to render their jobs. “Mac OS X support allows 3D professionals to use the Rendicity cloud rendering platform to meet their deadlines by creating on-demand render farms,” explains Philip Healy, CTO of the company.

The Cork, Ireland-based company notes that rendering 3D models into 2D images requires intensive computational resources to create realistic scenes like those in animated movies, and this requires the right scalable solution. Studios in particular taking on larger jobs and needing to scale quickly can face tough schedule challenges.

01 - Rendicity Wrangler shown in this image is used to setup and manage jobs.

01 – Rendicity Wrangler shown in this image is used to setup and manage jobs. Pricing scales from 4 virtual Xeon cores to 32 virtual Xeon cores, from $0.44 – $3.45 per hour (Maxwell pricing…Blender pricing is similar.)

In line with a commitment to democratize big compute through easy-to-use cloud computing, Rendicity is already integrated with Blender, the most popular open source 3D graphics and animation software. Furthermore, it has recently announced that a new partnership has been made with Next Limit Technology, benefitting over 300,000 users of Maxwell Render 3D animation software.

About Rendicity

Rendicity provides a range of cloud solutions for high performance, compute-intensive applications which allow users to utilise the cloud to schedule securely and render their jobs. Its patent pending technology offers faster access to infrastructure from Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure in an on-demand system. The company was recently named Propeller Venture Accelerator Company of the Year and was the Munster winner of the InterTrade Ireland Seedcorn competition in 2015.

Architosh Analysis

Rendicity supports two primary render engines in Blender and Maxwell Render. Both of these solutions work across both Mac and Windows thereby enabling the meaning of this news. The company’s technology solution requires the installation of Rendicity Wrangler, which is the critical installer that now must be available for the Mac.

Blender has two render engines and both are supported. Their new Cycles, a new GPU-based render engine, is also supported by Rendicity.

The Mac platform has not been without high-quality render farm solutions, both in situ technologies for studios and cloud-based. However, adding options for Mac 3D based artists is always great news and it looks like Rendicity is a high-quality solution that we look forward to seeing mature going forward with support for more 3D software suites such as Cinema 4D, Maya and others.

Reader Comments

  1. Cloud 3D rendering company Rendicity announces Apple Mac support | @Architosh

  2. Cloud 3D rendering company Rendicity announces Apple Mac support | @Architosh

  3. Cloud 3D rendering company Rendicity announces Apple Mac support – Architosh (press release) (blog)

  4. Cloud 3D rendering company Rendicity announces Apple Mac support – Architosh (press release) (blog)

  5. Cloud 3D rendering company Rendicity announces Apple Mac support – Architosh (press release) (blog)

  6. Cloud 3D rendering company Rendicity announces Apple Mac support – Architosh (press release) (blog)

  7. Cloud 3D rendering company Rendicity announces Apple Mac support – Architosh (press release) (blog)

  8. […] una società che proprio di recente ha scritto circa specializzata in soluzioni software middleware per il rendering nuvola, ospita un webinar […]

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