The 2016 CONVERGE Conference is solidThinking, Inc.’s, new community initiative to engage, enlighten, and inspire both design and engineering professionals in various product design and manufacturing markets, including AEC and MCAD.
The invite encourages their audience to “refuel” by joining an exciting community of creative peers and innovators to uncover strategies behind top products.
At the conference participants will hear from leaders across industries, discover interesting new technologies, and leave with a new approach to product design.
The all-inclusive schedule is designed to cover key strategies for product research, conceptualization, and refinement. To learn more and sign up for the CONVERGE event visit its dedicated web page here and join an email list. From there the company will send interested participants more information so they can stay in the loop.

01 – Google design by Francesco Di Giuseppe created in solidThinking Evolve 2016. All rights reserved. solidThinking just recently announced the new solidThinking Evolve 2016.
At this point there is no date set for the conference available publicly, so those interested should sign up to learn more and likely gain the date projection for when the conference will occur.
Architosh Analysis
The design-themed user conference is gaining in popularity in the CAD and 3D industry so it does not surprise to learn of this event being formed. The folks at solidThinking have some very talented users and connections in the world of product design so the event should pack a punch and be inspirational.
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[…] 내용은 매킨토시 CAD데이터 인터넷 매거진웹사이트 ‘아키토시(Architosh)’에 실린 solidThinking 관련 […]
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