The 8th ACM SIGGRAPH Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques in Asia is held from November 2nd – 5th 2015, at the Kobe Convention Center, in Kobe, Japan.
SIGGRAPH Asia Conference – Special Panel Session
SIGGRAPH covers a wide range of technical fields. This year, they have invited three of the most prominent pioneers from each of its key fields to reflect on their professional careers, providing invaluable gems of advice for aspiring researchers. This 90-minute session will comprise of a 15-minute sharing by each of the panelist, and concludes with a lively discussion between the audience and the panelists.

01 – SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 top three most prominent pioneers are Tomoyuki Nishita, Takao Kanade and Steven Feiner.
Register today to connect and establish business contacts with over 7,000 industry professionals, in the region and beyond.
SIGGRAPH Asia Exhibition -Digital Showcase & Artist Alley
SIGGRAPH Asia Exhibition offers a platform for innovative startups and artists to showcase your innovation, artistic work, research, ideas, products and services. The Digital Showcase & Artist Alley at this year’s SIGGRAPH Asia Exhibition offers emerging companies from the computer graphics, interactive techniques and innovative technologies to showcase innovations that shapes the future of digital media.
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