Israel Medina, VP of Business Development for Visidraft, a new AR (augmented reality) software company we first learned about at AIA Atlanta, this year, contacted Architosh to share with us the news that Visidraft is being featured in Architect Magazine.
Visidraft and AR Technology
Visidraft is an augmented reality software app for your iPad or iOS device, and while the company did not have an official booth at AIA Atlanta, they did through a party in conjunction of sorts with the Nemetschek Vectorworks folks, which many people did attend.
At the AIA Atlanta Visidraft party those entering the party were given an iPad device and led on a four to five stop AR tour through a bar and outside deck party space wherein each participant could evaluate the use of Visidraft in action.

01 – Visidraft recently was featured in Architect Magazine, as Augmented Reality (AR) technology begins to gain more limelight in the AEC space.
AR solutions work by showing you 3D model data overlaid on your iPad’s camera. As you walk around with the iPad opening running Visidraft, models are overlaid on the screen and the camera image. As you move the iPad, so goes the model in relation to your position. AR solutions like Visidraft help you test out concepts in “real space” using real camera data and your own visual senses to expand the spatial view beyond the iPad’s screen. A good way to experience this is to test it out. You can download a 30-day trial here.ViV
Visidraft Gets Key Update
The latest version of Visidraft is now at 2.1.1 (since 10 July 2015) and has improved tracking, 1-finger pan and move model support, 2-finger to rotate and move up/down, and 3-finger to adjust camera height, tap on the model to measure distance, et cetera.
Visidraft is compatible with AutoCAD, Revit, SketchUp, 3ds max, Vectorworks and ArchiCAD.
To learn more about Visidraft visit them online here.
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#CAD Visidraft gets limelight in Architect Magazine – Israel Medina, VP of Business Development for Visidraft, a n…
#CAD Visidraft gets limelight in Architect Magazine – Israel Medina, VP of Business Development for Visidraft, a n…
Thanks to @architosh for the great writeup
Thanks to @architosh for the great writeup
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