The LightWave 3D® Group, a division of NewTek, Inc., is offering owners of 2D and 3D software programs the opportunity to crossgrade to a full license of LightWave 2015 3D software for the special price of $695 (USD)—a $300 (USD) savings. Additionally, registered owners of LightWave 3D software can upgrade to LightWave 2015 for $395 (a $100 savings).
This crossgrade/upgrade offer ends July 31, 2015. Details of the offer are available at
Crossgrade pricing is available to all artists using other 2D and 3D software programs such as Autodesk Maya, 3ds Max and Softimage, Houdini, Cinema 4D, Modo, Unity, Zbrush, Adobe Photoshop, After Effects, Flash, and more. Crossgrade pricing varies in Japan.

01 – LightWave 3D 2015 is an advanced pro 3D app and the company is offering a competitive cross-grade offer that some readers may want to take advantage of. (image: Lightwave 3D Group)
For more details, contact Dstorm at
Touting LightWave Advantages
Created by artists for artists, LightWave 3D is intuitive, award-winning software that offers an end-to-end production pipeline for artists and designers to model, animate, capture, retarget, render, and input and output to 3D, including 3D printing. Some of the many new features of LightWave 2015 include:
- Bullet Constraints — Take control of dynamic simulations with new constraint types such as Point-to-Point, Hinge, Slider, Cone Twist, Spring and six degrees of freedom (DOF) constraint types.
- Importance Sampling — Greatly improve the quality of scenes lit by GI and HDR images or background lighting.
- Match Perspective Tool — Whether matching plates or simply placing objects in photographs, the new Match Perspective tool can quickly sync the LightWave camera to an original photo or plate.
- Genome 2 Character Rigging System — A rapid modular rigging system, which at the base level is a complete rigging development kit (RDK), can be used to quickly rig characters for animation without the need to set up complex rigs from scratch. It also supports the use of Math Expressions and Scripts and includes new and improved human, feline, and arthropod preset rigs.
- Edge Rendering — Intersection Edges can now be drawn where geometry intersects on the same object and/or separate objects, allowing for more creative control over cel rendering. Use Patch Border Rendering to make Sub-Division patch borders visible in the renderer with the click of a button. It is ideal for modelers who want to combine and showcase the mesh topology with the full render. Edge Buffer can be used to render all edges into their own buffer, allowing for post-process manipulation in compositing software.
- 64-bit QuickTime Support — Loading and saving QuickTime movies is now possible to those using 64 bit versions of LightWave for Windows.
LightWave 2015 includes new enhancements to the Viewport Preview Renderer (VPR) and introduces many new features and improvements such as Interactive Dynamic Parenting, Textured Falloffs in Modeler, Fiber FX, GoZ Multi-tool and Unity 5 support, and more. It also supports the latest interchange formats such as Alembic 1.5 and FBX 2015.
Artists are invited to test drive the software by downloading a full-feature 30-day trial version of LightWave 2015 at
For more information about LightWave 3D software or the LightWave 3D Group, please visit
Follow LightWave 3D on social media at Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+ or Pinterest. For the latest LightWave video tutorials and artists/studio profiles visit the Official LightWave 3D page on YouTube and Vimeo.
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#CAD LightWave 3D Group offers special cross-grade offer for LightWave 2015
#CAD LightWave 3D Group offers special cross-grade offer for LightWave 2015
#CAD LightWave 3D Group offers special cross-grade offer for LightWave 2015
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