Cloud-based 3D design and visualization platform company Lagoa, this week announced the acquisition of 3DTin, a browser-based 3d modeling tool. The acquisition demonstrates Lagoa’s commitment to its vision of bringing the accessibility and power of browser-based 3D applications to everyone.
Lagoa intends to maintain 3DTin as an independent solution but will be leveraging 3DTin to improve its scene editing capabilities in its online rendering platform.
“The browser-based nature of 3DTin makes it the perfect addition to Lagoa,” said Thiago Costa, CEO and co-founder of Lagoa. “We are excited to be giving our support to the growing community of makers, young creators and 3D printing prosumers that make up 3DTin’s user base. We also look forward to the new scene editing capabilities we will be able to bring to Lagoa as a result of the acquisition.”

01 – Lagoa is a new top-funded tech offering focused on serving state-of-the-art cloud-based rendering and collaboration through your browser. There is also an iPad app.
3DTin Founder and Developer Jayesh Salvi said, “We are thrilled to be joining Lagoa, who share our passion for the accessibility and freedom of browser-based 3D tools. With Lagoa’s exceptional rendering product, 3DTin users will be able to do more with their 3D models. They will continue to enjoy all the great features they have grown to like in 3DTin and can expect more enhancements to their workflow, thanks to Lagoa.”
Both the Lagoa rendering application and the 3DTin modeling tool will be on demonstration at World Maker Faire in New York City, September 21-22, at Lagoa booth number MP39, Pavillion C.
For more information about Lagoa visit here.
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