solidThinking, Inc., has released solidThinking Inspire 9.0, the latest release of its full flagship computer-aided industrial design (CAID) application. New features in Inspire 9.0 include items like frequency targets, powerful sketching tools, Boolean operations, improved navigation and view controls, faster shape exploration, improved geometry capture, integration with Altair HyperWorks and Japanese support.
Improvements and New in solidThinking Inspire 9.0
solidThinking Inspire 9.0 has tools and features above and beyond solidThinking Evolve but in general here are the major updates:

01 - SolidThinking Inspire 9.0 - New features include new solids modeling features that emerge from sketched entities.
- Sketch Lines, rectangles, circles and arcs — Version 9 now includes a dramatically improved explicit geometry modeling capability. Much like SketchUp, you can create basic lines, polys, circles, arcs, etc and connect all edges to form surface and then extrude them into solids. (see images). This enables designers to create rapid solids models that can be building shapes or mechanical parts
- Contraint Sketch Geometry — Geometric relationships such as perpendicularity can be applied to sketches to ensure intended relationships model entities
- Boolean Operations — New solid objects can be created by performing Boolean operations
- Max Thickness Control — Users can control wall thicknesses and diameters of beam-like structures
- Frequency Targets — Design concepts can be optimized to meet specific frequency targets
- Faster Shape Exploration — New single slider improves the shape exploration function
- Perspective/Ortho Projections — Users can now switch between these two for easier more precise modeling
Other new features include HyperWorks integration, 64-bit version for Windows only, Japanese version and new tutorial videos highlighting new features.
Architect Feature on Inspire 9.0
solidThinking, Inc., has a feature video on YouTube which showcases architect Peter Macapia of Pratt Institute. Macapia talks about the growing emergence of engineering and design integration within the creative professions. His thoughts are interesting and it is a video worth checking out. (see the images below).
To learn more about solidThinking Inspire 9.0 go here.
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