formZ maker AutoDesSys, Inc., has recently announced the availability of a new Maxwell Render for formZ Technology Preview. This new rendering plugin for formZ 7 (works with only the new version 7) can be downloaded now for users to test out the utilization of Next Limit’s renowned Maxwell Rendering engine.
Here are the features of this new formZ 7 plugin:
- Maxwell Fire support for the real-time previewing of lights, materials, and objects
- Maxwell Grass support
- Dramatically faster scene export
- Significantly enhanced Materials and Lights Support
- New Resource Manager which automatically detects and corrects missing file dependencies, even when moving between workstations

01 - Maxwell Render for formZ 7 Technology Preview is available now. (image courtesy AutoDesSys, formZ model copyright Craig Williams, Becker Morgan Group, Inc.)
The Technology Preview plugin is available from the Maxwell customers from the Next Limit customer gateway located here.
For those who interested in the new formZ 7, there is a 30-day trial version available here.
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