Luxology had a big presence at SIGGRAPH 2012 this year and this company continues to impress with its flagship 3D software suite, modo 601. Besides the busy booth and interaction with the Unity folks, Luxology touted modo 601’s increasing status in 3D studios and production pipelines.
“modo 601 is making a big impact across productions in both the design and entertainment industry,” said David Tracy, Communication Manager at Luxology. “Now is the ideal time for anyone interested in 3D to explore how they too can do more with modo.”
The company also previewed upcoming product XfrogPlants for modo and the soon-to-be-released NPR Kit for modo, which will provide modo users with a variety of non-photorealistic rendering options to facilitate the creation of stylized, hand-drawn looks on 3D content.

01 - modo 601 also has available new CAD Loaders which enable the support of Parasolid-based CAD formats.
Luxology is also aggressively touting modo 601 as an alternative and companion to the major big 3D software suites–the stalwarts of the 3D industry–with a cross-grade option. If you own any of the software below at the right version level you can save 300.USD on a new license of modo 601:
- 3ds Max
- Houdini
- Lightwave 3D
- Maya
- Softimage
To learn about modo 601 visit the Luxology website.
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