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Event News: BIMFORUM in Washington State

Facilities Management focused BIM event comes to Washington State


“According to the IFMA, 25 percent of a building’s lifecycle budget is dedicated to the design and construction of the building. The remaining 75 percent is spent on its operations and maintenance. Building owners have heard many promises about the use of BIM (Building Information Modeling) in the management of this remaining 75 percent.”  This is the lead in to the announcement and registration info on an upcoming BIM event in Tacoma, Washington.


BIMFORUM 2012 takes on 10-11 October 2012, in Tacoma, Washington. Attendees can learn about the state of the industry for the use of BIM in the facilities management (FM) field at the Fall BIMFORUM. Registration before 3 Sep 2012 is 425.USD and 550.USD after. The event is still asking for the submittals of presentations. To learn more and register visit here.

01 - BIMFORUM Fall 2012. Event focuses on BIM in facilities management.

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