Back in November Autodesk announced and showcased an early preview of Autodesk Inventor Fusion for the Mac. In February Autodesk spoke to Architosh and detailed this preview further with us. Now the company announced the product is available and free as a Technology Preview at
With Autodesk Inventor Fusion for Mac, designers can freely explore complex complex shapes and forms, enabling rapid design changes with fewer limitations. This updated technology preview includes these capabilities:
- Surfacing Suppport – users can now work seamlessly between solids and surfaces, expanding their confidence and capabilities to tackle design changes. Translators for Parasolid, Rhino, IGES and AliasDesign have been enhanced
- Simplified Wizards – Simulation users now have one button simplification of designs. This makes simplifying common geometry fast and easy and ensures that mesh and solves times are as fast as possible
- Ease of Use Improvements – New menu marking, sketch ease of use and modeling ease of use have all been improved

01 - Autodesk Inventor Fusion for Mac. A new Mac-native ground-up mCAD modeling program for emerging mechanical engineers and design professionals.
Inventor Fusion for Mac Technology Preview 2012 is fully interoperable with AutoCAD and Autodesk Inventor software, enabling customers to choose the modeling approach that is right for the task at hand. The Apple OS X compatible version of the technology preview expires on 1 January 2013. That means users can embrace and enjoy this new Mac MCAD product now until the end of the year.
To learn more and signup to get it go here.
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