jaja is the name of the world’s first pressure sensitive pen for iPad. It features two clickable button that can be programmed for software contextual menus.
This new pen is the technology project of Jon Atherton, of Brisbane, Australia. To get the project fully underway and funded Jon turned to pledges from prospective buyers and has since met his goals–easily by the way–and has over 1,000 backers.
jaja has 1,024 levels of pressure sensitivity for natural pen strokes. jaja uses high frequency sound to communicate with any device that includes a microphone. This patent pending process works very well on the iPad and other multi-touch iOS devices.

01 - jaja is a new pressure sensitive pen for the iPad. This new device will provide new levels of drawing accuracy leading mobile CAD and 3D applications into new areas of development.
You can see the jaja in action in a series of videos here on this website. The jaja will also have a software development kit (SDK)
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