Architosh today has launched a new “architosh Readers Group” on the popular social media site for professional audiences LinkedIn. The purpose of the group is to form a place where readers, fans, and supporters of the popular online publication–focused on all things Mac CAD and 3D–can meet and discuss all the same issues covered by
It’s About Networking
Moreover, the new LinkedIn group formed around Architosh is a place for readers of the publication to do networking with other readers who have joined the group. This will allow a “virtuous circle” of references, information, knowledge sharing, and collaboration among like-minded professionals and students who have vested interests in Mac and iPhone software applications serving the broad array CAD and 3D industries.

The new "architosh Readers Group" at LinkedIn. Join today to gain access to networking opportunities with similar professionals in common CAD and 3D industries on the Mac platform. Joining LinkedIn is completely free.
To join the group you must have a LinkedIn account and profile page. Joining LinkedIn is free at the base level and provides individuals with professional and business networking tools and opportunities. LinkedIn Groups are a popular way of forming and developing communities around common aspects of one’s professional life (eg: college alma mater, professional association, or employer or former employer.).
Jobs, News, Members and Discussions
LinkedIn Groups include built-in discussion boards, a news wall, and jobs listing potential–as well as a directly of the group’s members. Architosh will be developing an extensive connection to popular social media web properties like LinkedIn throughout this year and into next. Social media and the sites that have taken off like rock stars among the social media elite are seen as key indexes of the future of the Web.
To join the architosh Readers Group signup for LinkedIn and then click here.
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