January 24, 2009 marks the 25th anniversary of the Macintosh. This is a momentous occasion by all accounts but what does Steve Jobs and Apple have planned for this event? Here are a few possible ideas that I love but I’d love to hear yours (sign up and post below…it’s free!) :
- All aluminum updated version of the original Macintosh – The product would be a “limited edition” run modern Mac redone that had a full blown emulator of all the classic software available on the original Mac. Part collector’s item, part novelty, part modern computer, such a machine would enable you run the old classic stuff side by side with the modern environment of OS X. Original Macs are collectors items; a special aluminum version would be both a homage to the Mac’s beginnings and to its current success and shiny future! How much could such a machine really fetch? It depends on the size of the limited run. A 100k limited run might see machines fly off the shelf at very high prices, while a larger limited run at reasonable prices could see it become a “must have” Mac darling for macolytes around the globe.
- New Mac Pro Ultra – A dream power machine that would represent the “state-of-the-art” in technical capabilities possible. For starters it wouldn’t ship until Snow Leopard because it would need Grand Central and OpenCL. It would be the fastest computer in the world and hold that title for more than a year. Why? Because the PA Semi guys crafted an amazing energy efficient, multi-core processor based on the Power Architecture for which they hold unique expertise and capability. It would feature not four but eight (8) multi-core processors and run so cool you would think Apple found a way to pack the North Pole into it. It would feature multiple Nvidia Quadro GPU’s (making it the ultimate OpenCL dream machine) and it would come with new multi-touch capable monitors that could be positioned for touch-based drawing and input functionalities or run in conventional stand-up mode. Every engineer, scientist and architect would drool and lust for one. And though very expensive…they would sell like hot cakes!
- New Mac touch – Back to a more Earth-based dream scenario, what Apple very well might introduce at Macworld Expo this January is the Mac touch. We have written about it here. The multi-touch patents that keep coming up in expanded and more elaborate form are, we think, somehow connected to the very existence of this machine. The Mac touch would be Apple’s answer to the rapid rise in the popularity of Netbooks. It would be very affordable. It would be multi-touch based but have a keyboard like an iPhone has a keyboard. It would make a wonderful media entertainment machine and work beautifully in ruggedized mode for specific industries like medicine and AEC (architecture/engineering/construction). We think the Mac touch has serious legs in verticals that need touch-based computing but today are poorly served by a clunky and worrisome Windows OS infrastructure. They would be much better served by OS X and Apple’s future.

The Quadra had a special feeling to it. It was the ultimate Macintosh...wouldn't a new ultimate Mac be fitting for a Silver Anniversary?
Reader Comments
Apple will do what they have done with every anniversary since Steve’s been back, nothing. Steve looks forward not backwards he’s in the technology business not greeting cards.
Beige? Are you kidding? Gimme a CUBE!
All aluminum….not beige! But yes…the cube was really sweet for its time — and now!
[…] original here: The Mac’s 25th Anniversary: What Does Steve Have Planned? | Architosh December 11th, 2008 in Mac info | tags: current, depicts-the-current, distribution, earth-based, […]
[…] Anthony Frausto-Robledo di Architosh, sito dedicato alla progettazione CAD e 3D in ambiente Mac, si è divertito a ipotizzare tre Mac da sogno che Apple potrebbe lanciare per celebrare la ricorrenza. Diciamocelo, tutte e tre le ipotesi sono a dir poco improbabili, ma sognare non fa mai male e soprattutto non costa nulla. Ci uniamo alla fiera delle fantasticherie e diciamo la nostra, mantenendo però i piedi per terra. […]
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