Archives for sensors Archives - Architosh
Early Access: (emTech) Section for INSIDER Xpresso newsletter—#03
Our Early Access Release of the (emTech) section for INSIDER Xpresso #03. Non-subscribers can gain access to this information by signing up for our monthly Xpresso newsletter for free. Inside this issue, we talk extensively about Smart Cities, sensors, AR, VR—and more!
Viewpoint: How Apple’s iPad Pro and devices like it will change Architecture
In this Viewpoint feature Architosh editor-in-chief discusses the future of tablets in architectural practice, what technologies are doing behind the scenes to drive adoption and workflow transformation and just as importantly, offers a forward-looking perspective regarding the fusion of the power of analog tools that have not been usurped by the desktop but may be imitated in devices like the Apple iPad Pro with Pencil.
The Smartgeometry Workshop
In this feature article we delve into the Smart Geometry Conference’s “Workshop” component, the heart and soul of the event for years.