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Archives for Khronos SPIR-V Archives - Architosh

Khronos Group Releases Vulkan 1.2—Graphics API Takes Off

Vulkan 1.2 integrates 23 proven extensions into the core Vulkan API—propels low-level graphics API standard further and with very wide industry adoption and support.


What Matters—Vulkan Graphics API is World’s First with Formal Memory Model

Vulkan becomes world’s first graphics application programming interface (API) to support a formal memory model for optimization progressive performance in parallel processing on GPUs.


Vulkan Coming to Apple — Alternative to Metal API Headed to Mac and iOS

Valve, LunarG and The Brenwill Workshop have joined forces with the Khronos Group to bring the industry-standard low-level graphics API, Vulkan, to the Apple macOS and iOS platforms.


A Unified Graphics Future—How The Khronos Group Intends To Get Us There (Part 2)

Neil Trevett, President of The Khronos Group, talks to Architosh in this two-part series about OpenGL and the future of graphics standards.


A Unified Graphics Future—How The Khronos Group Intends To Get Us There (Part 1)

Neil Trevett, President of The Khronos Group, talks to Architosh in this two-part series about OpenGL and the future of graphics standards.


SIGGRAPH 2017—The Year of the Game Engine & Low-Level Graphics API

Associate Editor Akiko Ashley was at SIGGRAPH 2017 this year and covered the top-level events, sessions, and presentations. This first report focuses on the “theme” elements apparent at this year’s computer graphics conference and exhibition.


SIG: The Khronos Group Releases Major Update to Graphics API—OpenGL 4.6 with SPIR-V Support

SPIR-V support added to OpenGL in version 4.6—update to industry standard graphics API specification will liberate shader-language development for content creators and 3D developers, among other updates.


SIG: Khronos Expands Scope of 3D Open Standard Ecosystem

This latest expansion gives Vulkan the next generation graphics API from Khronos high-efficiency access to graphics and provides applications direct control over GPU accelaration for maximized performance and predictability. The new OpenGL® ES 3.2 specification absorbs AEP functionality to enhance pervasive graphics capabilities across mobile, consumer and automotive devices. As for OpenGL Extensions, one of its greatest strengths is that it was designed to be readily extensible to accommodate new hardware innovations.


Khronos speaks to Architosh about the new Vulkan Graphics API: What it Means

In this special feature Architosh digs into the main elements behind the new Vulkan graphics and compute GPU API in a discussion with The Khronos Group president Neil Trevett to get at what all this means for computing and graphics going forward.


Five Things Apple users might want to know about the new Vulkan Graphics API

We discuss five issues about Vulkan and its impact on Apple in both desktop and mobile markets, and this article is chock full of info not yet contained in our other Vulkan reports.


GDC: Khronos Releases OpenCL 2.1 Provisional Specification for Public Review

OpenCL C++ Kernel Language significantly boosts programmer productivity, plus new SPIR-V common intermediate language used by both OpenCL 2.1 and Vulkan