February is a busy month for the Nemethschek Group, moving people and companies around as the German AEC software giant positions for accelerating future growth. As reported yesterday here on Architosh, the Group achieved positive fiscal 2023 results, meeting its projections, but nonetheless, in absolute terms, seeing slowing annual revenue growth, down from 17.7 percent in 2022 to 8 percent in 2023.
The company’s internal adjustments over the past few years have involved two major trends, including consolidation of brands (see below) and more brand and technology integrations.
This month, the Group announced a consolidation move between ALLPLAN, FRILO, and SCIA. The company notes in its press release:
The Nemetschek Group, one of the leading software providers to the AEC/O and media industries, today announced that it will further harmonize its portfolio.
Termed a “merger” ALLPLAN, headquartered in Germany and one of the world’s leading BIM solutions for the AEC industry, will strengthen itself as what Nemetschek is calling a “platform-based BIM” solution across the entire construction lifecycle.

Merger will empower and innovate the design-to-build workflow with a full technology stack from architecture through structural analysis and design to structural detailing and prefabrication.
“This merger gives us additional opportunities to drive and expand our business with a common go-to-market approach and a joint product roadmap strategy. This will allow us to better leverage the strengths of the three brands for our customers while increasing our scalability and, thus, our efficiency. Moreover, the three companies share a strong specific customer focus, so they fit together very well,” says César Flores Rodríguez, Chief Division Officer Planning & Design and Digital Twin.
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FRILO and SCIA, both part of Nemetschek Engineering, will now fall under the larger brand of ALLPLAN. Belgium-based FRILO is a maker of structural engineering software products. Germany-based SCIA is also a maker of structural engineering software with its popular and well-respected multi-material integrated structural analysis software SCIA Engineer.
This merger or alignment will position FRILO and SCIA as components of the larger BIM platform of ALLPLAN, a BIM solution that has both architectural and civil engineering industry-facing capabilities. Allplan (as it is stylized in title caps) is the solution for interdisciplinary BIM, while Allplan Bridge is the world’s first fully 4D BIM solution for bridge construction.
The new collaborative merger will focus on a new unified go-to-market strategy focused on solution market penetration and accelerating a path toward “data-driven multi-material design and prefabrication.”
Dr. Detlef Schneider, CEO of ALLPLAN, emphasizes: “By merging modeling and structural engineering competence, we are crafting a unique solution technology stack in the market from conceptual design through structural analysis and design to structural detailing and prefabrication that supports the growing demand for lean delivery processes. This initiative will significantly drive digitalization within the AEC industry, empowering engineering professionals with the end-to-end workflows they need to enhance project productivity, quality, and sustainability.”