AMD’s Radeon Pro WX 9100 GPU is one of their hottest graphics cards in years. And especially when it taps into the power of AMD’s ProRender software technology.
The News
AMD has published a special supplement (in PDF) document that discusses their Radeon™ ProRender technology and Maxon’s Cinema 4D application.
The document highlights the Vega architecture behind the Radeon Pro WX 9100 GPU card as well as its sister cards and what this technology can do to propel Cinema 4D rendering on either Mac or PC computers.
How It Works
Radeon ProRender is a powerful new ray tracer technology by AMD, based on the Khronos Group’s OpenCL standard, a standard that Apple invented and turned over to the open source community. Radeon ProRender is designed to work with multiple GPUs and can even tap the power of CPUs for fallback.

01 – AMD has released a new supplement on the Radeon ProRender technology working with Maxon’s Cinema 4D.
Here is what your setup needs to have. Running Maxon’s award-winning Cinema 4D R20 software on either macOS or Windows, your solution ideally should support multiple GPU computers. If you are using an Apple Mac computer like the iMac or MacBook Pro laptop you want to connect an external GPU box like the Sonnet eGFX series to get the best bang for your buck. Adding just one external GPU to a 15-inch MacBook Pro, for example, will reduce the render times by about 1/5 – 1/6 the render wait time. Radeon RenderPro will utilize both the internal AMD GPU on the latest MacBook Pro and the Radeon Pro WX 9100, in an external box. Adding a second 9100 to the external box will reduce the render time again by half.
On macOS, the AMD ProRender technology utilizes the Radeon GPUs built into the current generation iMac computers, 15-inch MacBook Pro, and the iMac Pro workstation. And on Windows users can plop in a Radeon Pro WX 9100, WX 7100 or Radeon Pro SSG graphics cards.
To learn more and read the full report click here.
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[…] sito Architosh fa notare un documento (PDF) pubblicato da AMD nel quale si parla in dettaglio della tecnologia […]
[…] sito Architosh fa notare un documento (PDF) pubblicato da AMD nel quale si parla in dettaglio della tecnologia […]
[…] sito Architosh fa notare un documento (PDF) pubblicato da AMD nel quale si parla in dettaglio della tecnologia […]
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