Architosh has written about MassMotion before. The pedestrian simulation and analysis software come from Oasys Software, a subsidiary of global engineering firm Arup.
MassMotion Viewer
The new and powerful MassMotion Viewer enables design and engineering teams to share the simulation and analysis results with project stakeholders. All interested parties can watch as virtual occupants move through an entire 3D model, understanding how a building’s design impacts occupant safety and comfort inside as well as how efficiently different areas interconnect.

01 – MassMotion Viewer is new and enables project stakeholders to explore pedestrian simulation scenarios in much greater detail than before.
MassMotion Viewer can be installed on any computer running Windows 7 or 10. It can also be used with Oculus Rift VR gear. With VR gear MassMotion Viewer gives the user a complete view of what the occupant sees.
There is the option to export the “slices” from MassMotion or Flow, this is a subset of a simulation database file, drastically minimizing file sizes.
Opening and running an animation is straight-forward and requires no prior knowledge of using the pedestrian simulation software. While users see detailed and complete animations they cannot adjust parameters or set up new scenarios. Nor can they accidentally delete files or compromise the audit trail.

02 – MassMotion Viewer works with Oculus Rift enabling users to experience what pedestrian occupants experience inside buildings and complexes.
“MassMotion continues to evolve and improve, and it makes sense to share the benefits with all the decision makers involved in the project, not just the core design team.” says Nigel Rees, Oasys commercial manager. “The current release, for instance, broke new ground by making it remarkably quick and easy to create a 3D model by combining existing 2D and 3D CAD files and adding objects using snap tools. On top of that, we introduced even smarter agents and gave users more scope to throw new scenarios and events at them.”
Rees says that they know from user feedback that engineers are using the MassMotion tools to dig deeper into the way people will respond to design features and that the speed of the software gives them more time to experiment with variables. “It just makes sense for them to be able to share that insight with everyone on the project team,” he added.
MassMotion and Flow are free to download for 30 days at
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