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Event: Learn the ARCHICAD to Grasshopper-Rhino Connection in March

Learn Grasshopper and Rhino and how it can power ARCHICAD in this AIA-credited online learning course by GRAPHISOFT.


GRAPHISOFT has an upcoming event for learning the ARCHICAD Grasshopper/Rhino Connection, the custom developed plugin between McNeel’s popular algorithmic modeling and design applications and a global leader in BIM.

Architosh has written extensively about what is sometimes called the RGA (Rhino-Grasshopper-ARCHICAD) toolset and one of the latest explanations of how this technology really works to link Grasshopper, in particular, to a BIM workflow, is discussed in this feature here, (see, Architosh, “Product In-Depth: A Focus on Workflow in ARCHICAD 21,” 27 Oct 2017)

Event Details

The event takes place on 8 Mar 2018 and runs from 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm (EDT). It is an in-depth course worth 3 AIA learning units and cost $450/person or $375/person for ARCHIPLUS members.

01 – GRAPHISOFT’s Rhino-Grasshopper-ARCHICAD connection is a bi-directional link between all three programs that brings algorithmic design deep into the BIM workflow.

The course description reads: “In this online course, you’ll learn how to use ARCHICAD’s Rhino-Grasshopper Toolset as well as the essential commands and how to translate a Grasshopper shape into an ARCHICAD model. Veteran ARCHICAD and grasshopper users can benefit from helpful tips and tricks that are not found in standard tutorials.”

The presenter is Leeswann Bolden, LEED Green Associate, Assoc. AIA, GRAPHISOFT BIM Consultant. She is an ARCHICAD expert and independent BIM consultant.

To sign-up go here.




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