This month solidThinking, Inc., announced via their email newsletter, the arrival of a beta version of solidThinking Inspire Unlimited, a new web-based version for platform independent generative design in the MCAD and AEC markets.
solidThinking Inspire Unlimited
This new release comes at an interesting time, as the latest versions of solidThinking Inspire—as Architosh noted in a recent report—dropped support for macOS. It now appears that the company has decided to support Apple’s platforms (and Linux will likely run Inspired Unlimited as well) via this new direction with a cloud-supported version.

01 – solidThinking Inspired Unlimited is a SaaS product, bringing generative design to the cloud.
Inspire Unlimited looks and feels just like the Inspire product users know but it functions through a web-browser interface. But the benefits go far beyond desktop equivalency on multiple platforms. Bringing solidThinking Inspire to the cloud in the Unlimited version opens up the generative design platform for team-based collaboration, a la, Onshape.
Collaborative Generative Design
As one can see in the introductory video, one of the first things that happen in testing the beta version of Inspire Unlimited, is you setup an account. At this stage, the product looks similar to its chief rivals from Autodesk, Onshape, and others.

02 – Being cloud-based new collaborative possibilities open up for pros doing generative design in teams and with peers and clients.
Inspire Unlimited offers collaborative features such as model sharing, model review with commenting and annotative screen shots, and ability to save “favorites” and more. There is also something called builds and versions, so you have the ability to view branches of the builds of the model or all versions of the model.
Levering the Cloud—Benefits
Taking solidThinking Inspire to the cloud comes with other advantages. Inspire Unlimited offers the benefits of leveraging high-performance GPU and CPUs in the cloud. The application has an “instant-on” feature because it is cloud based. And new on-demand licensing comes standard since this is essentially a SaaS product.
Finally, data management is completely different because all the models are stored in the cloud rather than in folders on computers on your LAN.
Users can try solidThinking Inspire Unlimited beta for free now. Click here to learn more.
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