Vectorworks, Inc., makers of the namesake BIM/CAD software platform, have announced the release of SimTread 2.5, the next version of crowd flow simulation software that descends from Japan.
Crowd Flow Simulation and Analysis: Improves Architecture and Safety
Created by the Japanese Vectorworks distributor A&A Co., Ltd., in partnership with Wasada University and Takenaka Corporation, SimTread helps in simulating and analyzing a variety of crowd control needs, such as evaluating evacuation times, building egress and traffic flow.
Key Takeaways
As architects are keenly aware and as the International Building Code commentary edition will remind you, life-safety in fire events in structures is a factor of time—time for occupants to reach exits and time in assemblies to retain fire and smoke from spreading. This kind of software simulation tool offers architects using Vectorworks an advanced understanding of how their buildings will likely perform in evacuation scenarios.
This latest update provides more detailed analysis capabilities, helping architects even further in their life-safety obligations in their designs. Features include the ability to efficiently add time-dependent events like evacuations, as well as take into consideration individuals in wheelchairs in various scenarios.

01 – Vectorworks, Inc., announces latest update to SimTread, crowd flow simulation software.
“SimTread helps designers make better, more data-driven decisions when it comes to optimizing their layouts for crowd flow and safety,” said Dr. Takeshi Kimura, manager of product development at A&A. “As such, we continually work to improve the capabilities of SimTread based on customer feedback and provide Vectorworks users the best tool possible.”
Key Features Updated
- Improved plot tracking, which provides a more in-depth analysis by enabling the ability to plot and display the specified path occupants take to reach their destinations.
- The new Show/Select SimTread Object command helps users save time by showing or selecting all instances of specified SimTread object types.
- The duplicate transfer points update provides a command that streamlines the creation of a simulation of a multi-story building by allowing the replication of transfer points at stairwells.
- Enhanced anti-aliasing and H264 video codec parameters for higher-quality video output.
As a flow-analysis tool, SimTread helps those working in disaster preparedness, public safety, facilities management, as well as event, municipal or campus planning. SimTread can assist in and optimizes a design’s circulation pattern – whether directing the slow meandering of people through an art museum or expediting the exit of tens of thousands of people from a football stadium.

02 – This image shows SimTread in action, with individuals existing a structure shown in red little objects in the plan flowing through doors and exist paths.
“We’re always looking for new ways to help designers work more efficiently by putting the information they need at their fingertips,” said Jeremy Powell, senior marketing director at Vectorworks. “Updates for this SimTread version will improve productivity for the design and planning of pedestrian flow and evacuation safety.”
To purchase SimTread, or learn more, visit our partner page at
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