Global design software developer Vectorworks, Inc. is announcing Braceworks, a new 3D Finite Element Analysis (FEA) add-on for Vectorworks Spotlight, at the Prolight + Sound 2017 conference from April 4 to April 7 at Vectorworks’ German distributor ComputerWorks GmBH’s booth E60, Hall 3.0.
FEA In Use in Stage Design—Demand Up
Braceworks provides design, production and rigging professionals with an easy way to gauge the performance of temporary structures under load to ensure safety and compliance with engineering codes and standards. By adding Braceworks into Spotlight, designers for the first time have a completely integrated entertainment modeling, analysis and documentation process. Braceworks will be available as an add-on to Spotlight with the Vectorworks 2018 release this fall, at which time pricing will be made available.
“With today’s workflows, it’s difficult for entertainment professionals to quickly and accurately assess the safety of their designs,” said Vectorworks CEO Dr. Biplab Sarkar. “Giving them access to structural analysis within their 3D design environment is a massive improvement for their workflows. It not only will save them time and effort, but make it much easier to quickly evaluate how design changes will impact a structure’s performance.”

01 – Braceworx is software from Germany and is an add-on to the popular Vectorworks Spotlight BIM/CAD software used in theater and stage design, among other uses.
Developed in collaboration with DeerSoft GmbH, Braceworks analyzes complete 3D structural systems modeled in Spotlight. It supports point and distributed load types, straight and curved members, and multiple materials. The FEA enables static analysis with results displaying graphically on the model for easy reference. Braceworks also includes support for Eurocodes and upcoming ESTA standards, such as the E1.6. Furthermore, detailed calculation reports are automatically generated, and files can be exported as DTSV to be easily shared with structural engineers.
“Globally, the safety of temporary truss structures has come under scrutiny, so entertainment designers are constantly adjusting to new regulations and standards,” explained Moritz Staffel, managing director of DeerSoft GmbH. “Braceworks makes it easy for professionals to certify the safety of their structures.”
Those attending Prolight + Sound in Frankfurt, Germany from April 4 to April 7 can learn more about Braceworks at ComputerWorks’ booth E60, Hall 3.0. Additionally, designers can find out more by tweeting @Vectorworks.
Media members can secure an interview about Braceworks by emailing Vectorworks Communications Manager Lauren Meyer at
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