Intergraph® Process, Power & Marine (PP&M), part of Hexagon and the world’s leading provider of enterprise engineering software to the process, power and marine industries, together with Belgium’s Bricsys, a worldwide provider of the BricsCAD DWG CAD/BIM platform, announced this week the release of Intergraph CADWorx® Plant 2017 R1.
Intergraph Says Their Clients Requesting Other CAD Options
Rick Allen, president of Intergraph CADWorx and Analysis Solutions, says “clients have requested other design platform options, and we are ready to deliver. Our valued customers now have the ability to run the latest release of CADWorx on their choice of BricsCAD or AutoCAD platforms.
The new release offers a complete DWG file-based range of tools for effective plant design, with onboard collaboration and flexibility, giving process, power, and marine design professionals CAD platform choices.

01 – Intergraph’s CADWorx plant design suite software now runs on Bricsys’ BricsCAD platform.
In addition to CADWorx, GT STRUDL CAD modeler is also available on BricsCAD, enabling users to easily create structural models for analysis and design purposes and to display the results using the same CAD interface.
“It was great to work together with the CADWorx team to port such a powerful suite of engineering software to our platform. We have built a real choice for CADWorx customers that offers everything they are used to without the need for additional training,” says Erik De Keyser, CEO of Bricsys.
To learn more about Intergraph’s CADWorx & Analysis Solutions’ offerings visit them online here.
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