Vectorworks, Inc., is supporting the awards at the Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival, in support of fostering young entertainment designers and the creative arts.
Started in 1969, KCACTF is a national program designed to celebrate college theater in the United States, and help students develop their creative and technical skills.
“The Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival provides a fantastic opportunity to showcase the diverse, emerging talent from around the country,” said Frank Brault, product marketing manager at Vectorworks. “We wholeheartedly enjoy seeing the innovation and perspective young designers bring to the table.”
KCACTF In Detail
On an annual basis, the KCACTF hosts eight regional festivals for college theater students across the United States. Activities at the festival include workshops, discussion panels, regional-level scholarships and award programs, giving students the opportunity to showcase their best productions and receive feedback from professionals.

01 – Vectorworks Spotlight is the leading design application in the theater and performance design industries.
For each of the eight regional festivals, Vectorworks will donate a professional Vectorworks Spotlight license to a winner of the Design, Technology, and Management category. Entries are evaluated on quality, effectiveness, originality and visual presentation techniques.
“KCACTF honors excellence and offers student artists individual recognition through awards and scholarships. At its core, it provides opportunities for participants to develop cutting-edge skills and learn current best practices,” said National KCACTF DTM Chair Rafael Jaen. “To do this effectively, we rely on industry-leading sponsors, such as Vectorworks. The company’s sponsorship will help the Design, Technology, and Management (DTM) students expand their design approaches and achieve higher levels of professionalism.”
This year, the eight regional festivals will run between January 3 and March 4. Learn more about KCACTF’s network with more than 18,000 student partic ipants and over 600 colleges, as well as each festival at
The purpose of the KCACTF presentation and response is to provide outstanding student designers and technicians with the opportunity to showcase their work at regional festivals, where they will receive valuable feedback from professionals working in the field. Awards are presented for designs and other allied crafts appraised based on quality, effectiveness, originality and visual presentation techniques.
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