Nikken Sekkei enjoys a highly respected position amongst the world’s very top architectural firms. For a long time they have used Lumion on a relatively small scale and the excellent results have now led them to fully integrate Lumion into their design workflow by signing a Company License Agreement (CLA) with Act-3D, makers of Lumion.
How do you become an even better designer when you already work at an elite architectural firm?
At Nikken Sekkei any architect or designer can now use Lumion to quickly visualize their designs right at their own desk. This allows them to gain new insights into their designs, making every designer an even better designer.

01 – The new contract means that every Designer and Architect in Nikken Sekkei can now access Lumion to quickly render images, movies and 360 online panoramas, at any time.
Not long ago it was unthinkable for architects to make their own animations and high quality renders at every stage of every project. Rendering software took too long to learn and too long to render. Lumion solves both problems by offering lightning fast rendering with unprecedented ease-of-use.
Customer testimonials
Architects, Derek McCallum and Scott Neumann of RSP Architects talk about how Lumion is helping to re-shape their work flow. While Ryan Fish and Maurizio Lombardo of WCEC, describe how Lumion is being used by their Architects.
To upgrade to Lumion 6 click here. To buy Lumion 6 and Lumion Pro, click on the link.
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