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GRAPHISOFT to host Live Webinar on Drones and 3D Laser Scanning

GRAPHISOFT will be using drones, laser scanning and point clouds during their live webinar to create measured drawings in ArchiCAD model.


By using drones and 3D laser scanners to measure the Arizona State Fairgrounds Grandstand Building, a 1938 WPA project built of concrete, steel, and some adobe, a combined Arizona and Oregon-based team slashed the estimated schedule: instead of 15-20 surveyors working for 3 months using traditional methods, they got the job done in four days.

Philip Allsopp, Senior Sustainability Scientist and Adjunct Professor with the Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability at Arizona State University, will present a case study about this groundbreaking use of 3D laser survey and point clouds with ARCHICAD 19.


Live online webinar to present the latest in 3D scanners, drones, and point cloud technology using ArchiCAD 19


Philip Allsopp, Senior Sustainability Scientist and Adjunct Professor with the Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University


Tuesday, December 8, 2015


For Australia and Asia (English): Tuesday, December 8, 2015; 4:00 PM AEDT (Sydney Time) register here.

For Europe, Middle-East and Africa (English): Tuesday, December 8, 2015; 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM GMT (London Time) register here.

For the Americas (English): Tuesday, December 8, 2015; 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM PST (Pacific Time, Los Angeles) register here.


Learn how Phil and his team at Smart Pad Living, and ToPa3D captured an as-built model of the Arizona State Fairgrounds Grandstand Building in record time using laser and drone scans. ArchiCAD19 imported 4 billion data points of the front and side scans of the building in less than a minute.


GRAPHISOFT® ignited the BIM revolution in 1984 with ARCHICAD®, the industry first BIM software for architects. GRAPHISOFT continues to lead the industry with innovative solutions such as its revolutionary BIMcloud® the world’s first real-time BIM collaboration environment, EcoDesigner™, the world’s first fully BIM-integrated “GREEN” design solution and BIMx®, the world’s leading mobile app for BIM visualization. GRAPHISOFT has been a part of the Nemetschek Group since its acquisition in 2007.

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  1. RT @architosh: GRAPHISOFT hosts Live Webinar: By using drones and 3D laser scanners to measure the Arizona State Fairgrou……

  2. RT @architosh: GRAPHISOFT hosts Live Webinar: By using drones and 3D laser scanners to measure the Arizona State Fairgrou……

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