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Maxon’s CINEMA 4D R16 now shipping, plus SIGGRAPH presentations now available at

Maxon CINEMA 4D R16 is now shipping and SIGGRAPH 2014 presentations are now at


The recently announced Maxon CINEMA 4D Release 16 (R16) is now shipping worldwide through Maxon resellers or at their own online shop, the company has noted.

The latest version features new tools and optimizations including the PolyPen tool for efficient modeling, the new Motion Tracker for integrating 3D content in live footage and a new Reflectance channel for creating multi-layered reflections and highlights.

A fuller report of the new CINEMA 4D R16 can be found here. A fully functional 42-day demo version of CINEMA 4D R16 Studio is also available. The product  ships in various industry configurations, including the introductory level CINEMA 4D Prime, CINEMA 4D Visualize, CINEMA 4D Broadcast and the most complete version in CINEMA 4D Studio.

“Today’s 3D content creation professionals rely on efficient tools to optimize productivity,” Harald Egel, co-founder and CEO of MAXON Computer, states. “Cinema 4D R16 is a landmark release that underscores MAXON’s focus on delivering 3D designers the most uncompromising, robust and artist-friendly software solutions.”

The response thus far to the new CINEMA 4D Release 16 has been positive, says Maxon.

02 - The new CINEMA 4D Release 16 by Maxon of Germany will be featured at SIGGRAPH 2014 next week.

01 – The new CINEMA 4D Release 16 by Maxon of Germany will be featured at SIGGRAPH 2014 next week.

“Release 16 provides features and enhancements for users at every skill level and discipline,” Manuel Casasola Merkle, Partner and Creative Director at Aixsponza states. “Even as members of the beta testing team, we found R16 incredibly stable and utilized it on the new ‘Dreadnought’ game trailer. The new PolyPen tool especially speeds up modeling tremendously which allowed us to achieve higher quality results in less time. R16 is a must-have upgrade!”

Pricing and Availability

CINEMA 4D Release 16 is available through MAXON and its authorized dealers. Customers with an active MAXON Service Agreement (MSA) valid through September 2, 2014, will receive an automatic upgrade. Release 16 is available for both Mac OS X and Windows.

To learn more visit here. 

Siggraph 2014 Presentations at

Maxon’s famous is just one of several high-quality locations around on the Internet to obtain expert instruction and tips on how to master CINEMA 4D. Aside from its usual tutorial videos and help files, tends to host presentation videos from expos and conferences. Now SIGGRAPH 2014 booth presentations are available. These include items like:

  • Solid Angel’s new Arnold for CINEMA 4D (C4DtoA) plugin
  • Showcases of leading artists like Nick Cambell (Greyscalegorilla), Casey Hupke (Zoic), Tim Clapham (Luxx), Josh Johnson (VFX Daily) and others
  • Plus work from leading studios like Imaginary Forces, Zoic, and Aixsponza

International Debut of R16 in Europe

Maxon is also at IBC 2014 in Amsterdam from 12-16 September 2014. There will also be a live stream of their presentations at IBC 2014 and you can check out the schedule for that here.

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  1. #CAD Maxon’s CINEMA 4D R16 now shipping, plus SIGGRAPH presentations now available at

  2. #CAD Maxon’s CINEMA 4D R16 now shipping, plus SIGGRAPH presentations now available at

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