BQE Software, Inc., a world leader in time tracking, billing and project management software with more than 300,000 users worldwide, has announced today the immediate availability of BQE ArchiOffice 2014.
In its 10th anniversary release, the award-winning software for architects provides customers with faster and simpler usability, easier navigation, as well as more powerful invoicing and reporting features.
“BQE Software prides itself on being at the cutting edge of technology,” says Steven Burns FAIA, Chief Creative Officer at BQE. “Every year, we strive to provide more innovative products and services for our customers. A common theme amongst customer requests this year is to continue building upon our tools that improve their cash flow and give them better insight into project financials. Therefore, we have added more flexible reporting and invoicing features in ArchiOffice 2014 to better serve their business needs. I am very proud of the technological advances we have made to progressively simplify and streamline our customers’ workflow.”
New Low Monthly Subscription for Small Practices
In order to bring the powerful and efficiency-generating features of ArchiOffice 2014 to the smallest architectural practices, BQE is now offering ArchiOffice 2014 at a low monthly, subscription-based price.

01 – ArchiOffice 2014 is now available worldwide for improved architectural office financials and management. (image, courtesy BQE Software. All rights reserved).
ArchiOffice 2014 serves to help architects efficiently manage staff performance, projects, and profitability, so that they can spend more time and energy on applying creativity to their designs. In this annual update, BQE aims to improve productivity even more by incorporating time-saving features, such as memorized invoice dates and start of the week preference for timecard and reports. Other new and enhanced features include:
- Itemized Invoices with Tasks and Description
- Transfer Retainers between Client and Projects
- Sort Projects by Project Leader
- Profitability Reports by Date Range
- Enhanced Bill Statement Reports with Retainers
ArchiOffice 2014 is now available for worldwide purchase through BQE Direct Sales and BQE Authorized Resellers. For additional information, case studies, and screen shots you can see the new ArchiOffice 2014 at:

02 – BQE Software has released ArchiOffice 2014. This product works across desktop, iPhone, iPad and devices running the Android operating system.
Deployment Notes
When visiting the ArchiOffice website we didn’t see the information on platform deployment details regarding its server and desktop versus mobile support. The developer has been kind to post a detailed summary in the comments below about the support of the Mac platform for this product–which originated on the FileMaker database platform.
ArchiOffice runs through a Web browser. As such any computing device supported on Windows, Mac, iOS and Android operating environments can access the ArchiOffice application. It’s mobility connections are quite solid, being both available on iPhone, iPad and on similar Android devices.
ArchiOffice does require a server environment for the database engine aspects of its workings. As such, it happens to require Microsoft Windows Server, which can be loaded into Boot Camp on a Mac or run on a low cost Windows box.
[Editor’s note: This article was updated with the deployment nodes above. 1:12 pm, EDT. 8 May 2014]
Reader Comments
BQE Software has released ArchiOffice 2014 with brand new features to help both small and large architectural office…
#CAD BQE Software releases ArchiOffice 2014 for Architectural Practices Worldwide
@architosh it’s a great product that has completely abandoned the Mac. It requires a Windows server to run. 🙁
BQE Software has released ArchiOffice 2014 with brand new features to help both small and large architectural office…
BQE has announced ArchiOffice 2014. Master your office and project financials plus project management.
BQE has announced ArchiOffice 2014. Master your office and project financials plus project management.
#CAD BQE Software releases ArchiOffice 2014 for Architectural Practices Worldwide
@architosh it’s a great product that has completely abandoned the Mac. It requires a Windows server to run. 🙁
@npann is quite mistaken.
DISCLOSURE: I am an architect; I also am the Chief Creative Officer at BQE Software and the original developer of ArchiOffice before BQE Software acquired it. I’m also a Mac enthusiast (read – fanatic).
ArchiOffice has not abandoned the Mac. The movement in technology is not to drop one platform for another but to embrace all platforms. Approximately 35% of ArchiOffice users are on Macs. I, personally ONLY use Apple products. I have an iMac, Macbook Pro, iPad, IPhone and iPad Air and use all these devices to run ArchiOffice. I don’t personally own any PCs.
Even Apple’s iCloud uses Microsoft Technology on its servers to deliver their cloud to you? Likewise, BQE Software is using Windows technology to deliver ArchiOffice to you. Would Mac enthusiasts say that Apple has abandoned the Mac to provide you with iCloud? No. And neither has BQE. Both Apple and BQE acknowledge that in the world of powerful data-driven applications, Windows servers are still the most robust.
Powerful computing with Web Applications doesn’t require you to worry about your device – pick up anything with a browser and you can enjoy the product. This is what we have done with ArchiOffice. But it does need an engine to run. It just doesn’t use your engine. It allows your computer (or mobile device), to not waste processor power and simply delivers data to you via the browser so your computer can continue to run other applications that do require power natively. Your experience is much, much faster and doesn’t bog down your processor that’s working hard to make your CAD, BIM,CS, etc applications run.
What is quite puzzling to me is how some Mac enthusiasts see this as a zero sum game: Mac and nothing else. It’s a real shame that some fail to accept the benefits derived from freeing your device and allowing servers to do the heavy lifting. We have Mac customers that are still using our 4 year old FileMaker Pro solution simply because it means they don’t need to know that the engine behind ArchiOffice is running in Windows. Even though the user experience is still – pure Mac. Yet these same people will eat a hotdog knowing what went on to make it. Our old FileMaker Pro solution is like a horse-drawn carriage in it’s ability to get you to your destination whereas ArchiOffice is currently a high-speed train (with a fabulous dining car and air-conditioning).
If you like the idea of having ArchiOffice to run your firm and you’re an “all-Mac” office, here are the options we propose:
If you want to keep your server on your local area network you have three options:
1. Buy an inexpensive Windows Computer (see our system requirements) and stick it under a desk, in the back room or in the server room and cover it with all the white Apple decals you have sitting in your desk drawer. This would definitely give that box the humiliation it deserves.
2. Take an existing Mac computer that has the requisite power described in our system requirements and boot it up in Windows. Since the computer doesn’t need a monitor – its not going to embarrass you or waste all the decals as discussed in the first option.
3. Take a Mac and install VMWare Fusion or Parallels on it. Run the ArchiOffice server on that and keep it hidden on the Dock so no one has to see a Windows screen. NOTE: this is really only good for firms with 1 to 3 users and the Mac running the virtual environment should not be used for any processor intense applications.
If you want the luxury of not even worrying about a server than simply get managed hosting services from a company like RackSpace or Amazon to host ArchiOffice on their equipment for you. The upside is that you don’t have to worry about hardware or backups. The service takes care of it all. Also, these big providers can guarantee uptime and tend to deliver at high bandwidth.
In closing, Neil Pann is way off the mark by suggesting that we have “completely abandoned the Mac.” In fact, our CEO and CTO also have MacBook Pros as their #1 device. This wasn’t the case when I joined the company in December 2009. Now, Macs proliferate around here and our market share with Mac customers is growing daily.
@npann is quite mistaken.
DISCLOSURE: I am an architect; I also am the Chief Creative Officer at BQE Software and the original developer of ArchiOffice before BQE Software acquired it. I’m also a Mac enthusiast (read – fanatic).
ArchiOffice has not abandoned the Mac. The movement in technology is not to drop one platform for another but to embrace all platforms. Approximately 35% of ArchiOffice users are on Macs. I, personally ONLY use Apple products. I have an iMac, Macbook Pro, iPad, IPhone and iPad Air and use all these devices to run ArchiOffice. I don’t personally own any PCs.
Even Apple’s iCloud uses Microsoft Technology on its servers to deliver their cloud to you? Likewise, BQE Software is using Windows technology to deliver ArchiOffice to you. Would Mac enthusiasts say that Apple has abandoned the Mac to provide you with iCloud? No. And neither has BQE. Both Apple and BQE acknowledge that in the world of powerful data-driven applications, Windows servers are still the most robust.
Powerful computing with Web Applications doesn’t require you to worry about your device – pick up anything with a browser and you can enjoy the product. This is what we have done with ArchiOffice. But it does need an engine to run. It just doesn’t use your engine. It allows your computer (or mobile device), to not waste processor power and simply delivers data to you via the browser so your computer can continue to run other applications that do require power natively. Your experience is much, much faster and doesn’t bog down your processor that’s working hard to make your CAD, BIM,CS, etc applications run.
What is quite puzzling to me is how some Mac enthusiasts see this as a zero sum game: Mac and nothing else. It’s a real shame that some fail to accept the benefits derived from freeing your device and allowing servers to do the heavy lifting. We have Mac customers that are still using our 4 year old FileMaker Pro solution simply because it means they don’t need to know that the engine behind ArchiOffice is running in Windows. Even though the user experience is still – pure Mac. Yet these same people will eat a hotdog knowing what went on to make it. Our old FileMaker Pro solution is like a horse-drawn carriage in it’s ability to get you to your destination whereas ArchiOffice is currently a high-speed train (with a fabulous dining car and air-conditioning).
If you like the idea of having ArchiOffice to run your firm and you’re an “all-Mac” office, here are the options we propose:
If you want to keep your server on your local area network you have three options:
1. Buy an inexpensive Windows Computer (see our system requirements) and stick it under a desk, in the back room or in the server room and cover it with all the white Apple decals you have sitting in your desk drawer. This would definitely give that box the humiliation it deserves.
2. Take an existing Mac computer that has the requisite power described in our system requirements and boot it up in Windows. Since the computer doesn’t need a monitor – its not going to embarrass you or waste all the decals as discussed in the first option.
3. Take a Mac and install VMWare Fusion or Parallels on it. Run the ArchiOffice server on that and keep it hidden on the Dock so no one has to see a Windows screen. NOTE: this is really only good for firms with 1 to 3 users and the Mac running the virtual environment should not be used for any processor intense applications.
If you want the luxury of not even worrying about a server than simply get managed hosting services from a company like RackSpace or Amazon to host ArchiOffice on their equipment for you. The upside is that you don’t have to worry about hardware or backups. The service takes care of it all. Also, these big providers can guarantee uptime and tend to deliver at high bandwidth.
In closing, Neil Pann is way off the mark by suggesting that we have “completely abandoned the Mac.” In fact, our CEO and CTO also have MacBook Pros as their #1 device. This wasn’t the case when I joined the company in December 2009. Now, Macs proliferate around here and our market share with Mac customers is growing daily.
Thanks Steven for adding all this wonderful information, some of which I will add to the article above. And you are right about being a faithful Mac user doesn’t mean a zero-sum game. In my architectural practice we use Sepialine for our print-tracking and recovery costs. It was actually created on the Mac, for the Mac first, but these days its server component requires Windows for database reasons. It’s really not a big deal.
Your comments about iCloud are interesting. Nice share!! Thx!
Thanks Steven for adding all this wonderful information, some of which I will add to the article above. And you are right about being a faithful Mac user doesn’t mean a zero-sum game. In my architectural practice we use Sepialine for our print-tracking and recovery costs. It was actually created on the Mac, for the Mac first, but these days its server component requires Windows for database reasons. It’s really not a big deal.
Your comments about iCloud are interesting. Nice share!! Thx!
@stevenburns Thk for the explanation on @architosh I understand the reasoning & appreciate the efforts to keep ArchiOffice available to all.
@stevenburns Thk for the explanation on @architosh I understand the reasoning & appreciate the efforts to keep ArchiOffice available to all.
@npann @architosh My pleasure. I hope it didn’t look like I was piling on you. Just wanted to set the record straight. It’s frustrating…
@npann @architosh My pleasure. I hope it didn’t look like I was piling on you. Just wanted to set the record straight. It’s frustrating…
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