Abvent Artlantis 5 users now have a new option for working with and creating 3D models. Robert McNeel & Associates’ popular Rhino 5 modeling software is a very commonly utilized tool in the architectural and industrial design markets. Now users of Rhino 5 on Windows have access to the Abvent Artlantis 5 Plugin for Rhino which enables them to work in tandem with the well-regarded Artlantis rendering technology.
How It Works
Rhino 5 users can create their models in Rhino, send it to Artlantis, return to Rhino, make changes to the geometry, export a new Artlantis file and recover their previous work done in Artlantis. In other words, what is known as automatic updates or one-directional “round tripping” enables users to setup complex rendering scenes in Artlantis 5 and they still have the ability to modify the core geometry of the model back in its originating program–in this case Rhino.
The direct file transfer requires no other intermediate file formats. Native Artlantis files come out of Rhino 5 with the Artlantis plugin. Artlantis 5 can recover the following from the Rhino 3D models:
- Projects and linked geometry
- Smoothness of geometry
- Geolocalization and heliodon
- Lights
- Cameras and focals
- Shading and colors and transparency
- UV mapping textures
- Objects and layer names
Abvent’s Artlantis has solid interoperability with a wide range of popular CAD and 3D file formats and has dedicated plugins for the three leading BIM programs, Autodesk Revit, Graphisoft ArchiCAD and Nemetschek Vectorworks Architect. It also has a plugin for SketchUp 2013.

01 – Artlantis 5 features a new user interface and many more new features and improvements. The latest Rhino plugin arounds out data exchange in leading architecture CAD, modeling and BIM tools.
You can learn more about Artlantis 5 here at their new website.
About Rhinoceros 3D
Rhinoceros (Rhino) is a stand-alone, commercial NURBS-based 3D modeling software, developed by Robert McNeel & Associates. The software is commonly used for industrial design, architecture, marine design, jewelry design, automotive design, CAD/CAM, rapid prototyping, reverse engineering, product design as well as the multimedia and graphic design industries.
To learn more and download the plugin today go here.
Architosh Analysis
This is certainly positive news for both Artlantis users and Rhino users on Windows. Not so much for Mac users. We are still left wondering when the Mac version of Rhino will ever get the full third-party extensibility support it really needs in order to truly replace rival tools. Or, when Rhino users can dump their PC boxes for Mac computers they may prefer to work on. As for Abvent, this new plugin is an important addition to getting their rendering technology into the hands of model authoring providers.
Reader Comments
@Abvent announces new #Artlantis plugin for popular #Rhino 5 3D software | Architosh http://t.co/PPM5ml0uYE @RhinoJungle @rhinocerosdsg
RT @telezoh: 【Share】 Abvent announces new Artlantis plugin for popular Rhino 5 3D software http://t.co/5femvfUbTe
Abvent announces new Artlantis plugin for popular Rhino 5 3D software | Architosh http://t.co/fyCxxgiEei
Abvent announces new Artlantis plugin for popular Rhino 5 3D software | Architosh http://t.co/fyCxxgiEei
RT @CADgarage: Abvent announces new Artlantis plugin for popular Rhino 5 3D software | Architosh http://t.co/fyCxxgiEei
RT @Artlantis: @Abvent announces new #Artlantis plugin for popular #Rhino 5 3D software | Architosh http://t.co/PPM5ml0uYE @RhinoJungle @rh…
RT @CADgarage: Abvent announces new Artlantis plugin for popular Rhino 5 3D software | Architosh http://t.co/fyCxxgiEei
RT @Artlantis: @Abvent announces new #Artlantis plugin for popular #Rhino 5 3D software | Architosh http://t.co/PPM5ml0uYE @RhinoJungle @rh…
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